2 minute read
Associated Redwood Mills Moves Los Angeles Offices And Distribution Yard
ment in wood production on the local level, the operation will eventually package all the component parts of a piece of furniture, for instance, to be assembled and finished by the rvholesale and retail dealer.
duction ancl shipment on a nationtvide basis. He is also owner of Lane Portland Company, Inc., involved in the nrass-production of pre-firrished, cutto-length parts ready for assembly in furniture, toys and other consumer rtems.
Hailed as an exciting new develoP-
Federql Trqde Commission lssues Rules For Aluminum Siding Ads
The U. S. Federal Trade Commission has issued trade practice rules for the residential aluminum siding industry which were to become effective May 6.
The adoption of the rules should have a desired effect on sales by manv retail lumber dealers. It is hopld ttrey will spell the end for "suede shoe" ap- plicators and eliminate unfair competition between aluminum and other materials.
Among practices that are specifically prohibited are the following: a. that industry products require no repainting or repairing for the life of the structure, or that the initial cost is the only cost; or b. that the colors in which the industry products are finished will remain unchanged or are impervious to the elements or will last a lifetime; or c. that industry products, or any part or parts therof, are everlasting or are made of indestructible materials: or d. that industry products provide everlasting insulation; or e. that thermal insulating values of aluminum exceed that of any other metal or other material; or f. that nothing can damage aluminum siding.
The rules also deal with the deceptive use of "model home" representations, deceptive pricing, phony gift offers, bait advertising and a number of ills that have long plagued legitimate manufacturers, dealers, builders and contractors.
In other action, the FTC has announced that it is studying a draft of guide for advertising shell homes. The basic difference between a trade practice rule and an advertising guide is that the former is usually instituted by the industry concerned, while the latter is instituted bv the Commission itself.
The new Southem California offrces and distribution yard are managed by Carl Dupray and Ralph Steffen, two well known veterans ih the wholesale distribution field. Dupray has been educated in the sales field in the southland area having started his lumber career back in 1946. Steffen, who has been in the business for almost 20 years started his career at the mill level ancl rvorked through production, shipping and sales.
No information is yet available as to what the advertising guide for shell homes will contain, but it will probably curb deceptive practices in advertising of loan terms, extent of completion, and amount o,f materials that a shell house purchaser receives.
"Lokeside in April"
The 431st Terrible Twenty Tournament rvas held at Lakeside Golf Club, Friday, April 20, 1962 with hosts Oli'r'er, Perong and Hipple officiating.
Dr. Paul Rekers (81-12-{-19) with his one iron off the tee handled things in great shape and ran his penalty handicap to 6. Bob Dilworth (86-14-72) won the high bracke't for the first time in over a yeaf.
In match play Dr. Rekers made short work of Pick Maule. had him out at the l?th hole, so won both 6 months tournaments in the low handicap bracket. Virg Oliver barely beat Syd Alling 2 up, and plays Hervey Bowles in the finals of next month in the high bracket.