2 minute read
of ldeas-- Stimulafing Exchange Key to Successful W. l.C. Annual Meet
Final speaker, William J. Bircl, Western Vice-President, John Harlcock Nlutual l-ife Insurance Co., presented a lively cliscttssion ou the current economic conditions of the West Coast and California in particular. He also renclered some sage advice on the entire national economic picture.
Woodwork Promotion Committee l'aul Beruardis, Ray Erkson, Les Sterett, Ray Mosher, Santa Barbara Mill and Lumber, Santa Barbara; Bud Brick, Glenn Miller and Joe lVfarinelo.
Technical Committee
S. S. Karns, Hollenbeck-Bush Planing Mill, Fresno; Erick Ahlbom, Sierra Mill & Bldg. \{ats. Co.. Sacramento; Al Smith, Union Planing Mill, Stockton; Reg Taylor, Taylor Millwork and Stair, Gardena; Roland Mott, \A/estern Lumber Co., Nationa City; Ed Bernhauer, Fresno Planing lrfill Co.' Fresno and Norbert J. Eggert, Hartmann-Sanders, Inc., Sauta Fe Springs.
Committee members appointed at the new board of directors meeting, Friday morning by Dick Delacy, president include:
Executive Committee
Dick Delacy, Central Mill & Cabinet Co., San Francisco; Les Sterett, Fresno Planing Mill Co., Fresno; Paul Bernardis, Capital City Planing Mill, Sacramento; Bob Leishman, Crorvn City Lumber and Mill, Pasadena; Glenn Miller, Pacific Lumber Dealers Supply, Inc., Harbor City; Joe Marinello, University Showcase and Fixture Corp., El Cajon; and Reg Taylor, Taylor Millwork and Stair, Gardena.
Legislative Committee
Paul Bernardis, Paul Guignet, United Wood Products, Inglewood; Morrison Smith, California Manufacturing Co., Sacramento.
A.W.I. Liaison Committee
Dick DeLacy
Fixture Guild Liaison Committee
Charles Stauffacher, The Fink and Schindler Co., San Francisco, and Reg Taylor.
Finance Committee
Les Sterett, Bob Leishman and Bud Brick, Van Houten & Brick. Santa Cruz.
General Membership Committee
Ray Erkson, IVIinton Company, Mountain View, and Al Ebneter, Portola Planng Mill, San Francico.
Wood Window Promotion Committee
Glenn Miller, Les Sterett and George Ryan, E. D. Delaney, Inc., Inglewood.
-l'he ne-rt order of business was cleliverecl at lttnch, Glenn Miller presiclins. -\rthony Ramos of the State Cottttcil" of Carpinters described the prornotional efforts the Carpenter's lJnion is intentling to introduce in a tnove <lesiqrre<l to further the use of Calif orrri-a-m an uf actured products.
Res Taylor and Bernie Barber, Jr.. the Jecrelary of the institute, gav'e brief reports on the past year's activities and Dick Delacy briefly outlined his program for the coming year. Ralph Hairison of L E. Chilton Millwork, Nashville, Tinn., president of the Architectural Woodwork Institute, addressed the group briefly, complimenting the institute on its activities aud 'wishing the members continued success with their programs. BYrol TaYlor, past president of the W.I.C. gave a ihort^talk regarding some possible future activitiei which the W.I.C. might find beneficial to the entire millwork industry.
A dinner dance at the famous Cocoanut Grove preceded by the president's reception that evening concluded the succesful meeting and seminar'
I Yeor$3.00
2 Yeors- $5.00
Cher Wilson,
Mill ond Cqbinct Co,, Sonto Ano; Al Ebnerer, Portolo Plcning frlill, Son Froncisco; Roy Erkson, ilinfon Compony, llountoin View; Doug DeWitt, G.ncrol Vcnecr ilfg. Co., South Gqte ond George Rycn, E. D. Deloncy Co., Inglewood. Righf: The principol speoker for the evening, Wrn. J. Bird. On hb righr, Glcnn Miller qnd on hir left, Reg foylor ond Clorencc Wopncr. Second, left: post presidenl Byron foylor, incoming pr.3idenr Dick Detocy, Rolph Horriron, prcridcnl of the A,W.l., retiring president Reg Toylor ond secretory of fhe W,l.C. BErnie Borber. lAiddle: Wood Sculptor, Hil Mac Dcvid corves o figuro to the interest of mony posser-byr on tha opening ofternoon of exhibitr. Right: [. B. Wilkinron, gencrol moncger, Slroit Door ond Plywood Corp., ot lhe oftemoon :how. Third, lcft; Tortet. Webstsr & Johnson'r Jim Duort ond Fronk Scrogin in front of their disploy. Right: Gencrol Vencer l/lfg. Co.'r disploy ottrocts on infelerled group. Botfom, left: Weyerhoeuser Compony's exhibir ir slso crornincd by intere:ted porlict. Middlc: O, [ong, Tcch. Rep,, W.l.C., tends tho In3riruto boorh. Righr: Retiring prerident, Reg Toylor, dirploying rhe gifr whidr wos presentod to him.