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C. H. Wendel Heads Vermiculite Institute
Vermiculite Institute held its 21st annual convention, March 17-22, at the San Marcos Resort in Chandler, Ariz.
C. H. Wendel of Los Angeles, Cal., was elected president to succeed L. J. Venard of Minneapo,lis, Minn.
E. R. Murphy, managing director, and R, W. Sterrett, treasurer, were reelected. J. H. Greer of Houston, Tex., and D. J. Boone of Chicago were chosen as new directors. Hold-over directors, besides Wendel, are C. E. Goyer of lVfontreal, Que., and L. K. Irvine of Salt I-ake City, Utah.
Venard anounced that there had been another increase in vermiculite tonnage during the past year, which was the highest since 1956. It represents an increase over 1960, even without the additional tonnages of recent new member companies, he stated. Mixed goods plaster sales (acoustical and fire fireproofing products) for the year just ended show the highest total in the industry's history.
R. L. Upchurch, chairman of the Insulation Committee, discussed waterrepellent vermiculite for insulating masonry 'rvalls. He said that last year's promotio,n was the most extensive ever given a single vermiculite product and will be intensified this vear.
Institute members co-operated with allied industries, such as the Portland Cement Assn., National Concrete Masonry Assn., Mason Contractors Assn., and Structural Clay Products Institute. District and regional meetings were held with architects and contractors. Masonry fill was advertised in leading consumer and co,nstruction magazines. Building material dealers capitalized on this umbrella of national advertising by tieing-in at the local level with newspap,er mats, As a result, sales of the product increased 50 per cent and more in many areas, compared with 1960, Upchurch said.
The institute is also co-operating with organizations in the electric heating industry, such as the Edison Electric Institute and National Electrical
Manufa.cturers Assn., on their proposed all-weather comfort s,tandard for electrically heated and air-conditioned homes.
Upchurch also stressed the large reinsulation market for vermiculite loose" fill. He pointed out that in the last decade the cost of gas has risen 36 per cent; oil, 78 per cent; and coal, 77 per cent. High winter fuel costs are a strong incentive for owners of poorly insulated buildings to add more insulation. The same applies to power costs in southern United States, where unit air conditioners are becoming popular. Reinsulating with vermiculite will be featured this year in national consumer advertising and backed-up at the local level with new sales aids for dealers.
A. W. Dambros. chairman of the Plaster Committee, reported that the Uniform Building Code has approved several important fire ratings for vermiculite Type-MK fireproofing.
R. B. Moran. chairman of the Concrete Committee, informed the delegates that the institute's certification program of applicators of vermiculite concrete roof decks has had a wide response from architects and the builtup roofing industry.
\A,'endel announced that the training program for salesmen of institute member companies, started three years ago, rn'ill continue this year. It will be supplemented by a refresher course for former participants to keep them abreast of changing conditions. In addition, a short course in sales management for executive personnel has been developed by Northwestern University and will be given at Evanston, fll.
The meeting closed with the annual banquet.
"Mqsonile House"
(Continued from Page 24)
At the site a sharpened 1n'x1" stick is used to separate the hardboard panels at the center and a /+"*3/+" wood separator is slipped in and the pointed stick withdrawn. Thus a door with convex surfaces on each side is formed which has surprising strength and rigidity. Simplicity in construction and installation are the features offered.
Cabinet doors used throughout tl-re house are made with the same simple construction.
Cabinets are assembled from simple nrass-produced panels. A 4'x8' hardboarrl sheet is glued to 1x2 and 1x3 framing placed to permit subsequent ripping into the desired shelves and other cabinet parts. With a minimum of fitting, tl-re parts are assetnbled into tht' conrplete cabinet.
'I'he roof covering used ou the house is conrpletely experimental, being zrn attellrpt to combine the sub-roof and the roof covering in a single prefinisl-red harclboard panel n-rade with X-90 fiber, the exclusive ingredient of Masonite X-Ninety Siding. These panels, which span either 1€' or 24' spaced rafters, are applied directly to the roof trusses with a minimum of labor.
Voughn Pipes (holding ploque), representing Building Moteriols Distriburors, lnc., Sqn Jose. Cclif.. receivas congrolulclions from J. V. Jones, Generol Sqles Moncger of Armstrong Cork Compony's Building ProducE Division. ffie ploque wos oworded to the tan Jose wholesqle firm for hoving ochieved, during 1961, rhe greolesl incresse in sqles of Armstrong building producls in the Western Section of the country. wlr. Pipes received lhe oword during the lSth Annuol Convantion of Armstrong Building Products Wholesqle Dislribulors, held April 3-4 in Mocon, Ga. Richard Srreorer (righr), is the Armetrong soles representoliye serving Scn Jose-Son Frqncisco oreo.