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P.O. BOX 48
Ctnce a customer, you ore olwoys o friend ond we oim to strengthen thot friendship through every ossociotion.
nancing) was the independent operator's one big lever to be used in prying business away from the cash & carry operation.
The final men's luncheon was presided over by LMA vice-president Clair Hicks, Hicks Lumber Company, Salinas. Featured speaker was Harry Swift, a nationally known authority on management and personnel problems. Swift, an excelient and oulstanding speaker, spoke of the "Twilight Zone" of thinking, the zon-e of thought that is not au-dible, but nevertheless received by another Person. "Our thoughts are but a hollow sphere wherein they are echoed ba& to us-indifference for indifference, love for love," Swift spoke.
A final afternoon workshop was cancelled so conventioneers could enjoy a little late afternoon sunning befor-e attending the lait- of three industry spogsored cocktail parties in the main lounge. Final order of business at the President's Banquet waJthe awarding of golf prizes, and then it was "on with'the show", Dinty Moore the producer, dinner dancing and good fellowship until someone remembered that tomorrorv was "back to the shop" day. If only two things were brought back from the convention -Improve Your Company's Image, and Push the Package Sale-those two days more than paid their own way. Ask t'he man who was there.