3 minute read
fon heads up our sales office in Southern California, a territory he's served for over 22 years.
Long experienced with Flintkote Co. and Lerrett Lumber even before joining Hobbs S7all, Don knows lumber and building materials as few men do. He knows the Los Angeles market and knows its requirements. Don is one of several Hobbs N7all lumber specialists good men to call when you want the right grader at the right prices in redwood, fir, pine and other species.
$Zhy not put them to work for you next time you need a t. & t. or carload shipment?
Northern Colifornio Building Gqin Seen
Northern California home building is expected to be up 5 per cent over la.st year according to Wells Fargo Bank in its recent Business Review
Gains in population rvill cause a further pick-up in multiple-family units along with a reversal of the twoyear decline in single-family units, the bank estimated from industry sources.
Last year 55,4ffi housing units with a total value of $622 million were authorized in Northern California's 10 major counties, up slightly from 1960.
January results support the industry's optimistic outlook for 1962.

In the 1O county area, housing units authorized were up 17 per cent over last January and value was up 36 per cent. i\4ultiple-family units continued to make rlp more than half the total, but single units were ahead a healthy 21 percent, the bank stated.
Women in Consfruction Hold Annuol Forum
Represent'atives of Women in Construction Pacific Region Chapters ; San Francisco, San Diego, Oakland, Sacramento, Los Angeles, California and Portland, Oregon and Seattle, Washington will be in attendance June 9, 1962 at their 2nd annual forum, Hollyhock lfouse, Barnsdall Park,
Los Angeles, Californra.
The day whicl-r will inclucle a trip to I)isneyland, will also feature workshops dealing with membership, bylalvs, bulletin, Publicity ancl other ulrases of WIC activities.
- The National Association Women in Cor.rstruction established in Fort \Vorth, Texas in 1953 norv boasts 64 chapters in l8 states.
Owens-Pqrks Esfnblishes New Division
O'rvens-Parks l,umber Company, consiclerecl one of the volume yards in Southern California operating a retail yard in Vernon on approximately 9f acres of ground, has recently established a wholesale division to service retail lumber dealers with inventory fiIl-ins and hard to obtain items.
Assistant sales manager, Don Brown u'ill be in charge of the nerv operation u'ith George W. Mattes lvholesale and industrial division assisting him.
Brown, a native Southern Californian born in 1931, graduated from Compton College in 1950. He then started rvith Owens-Parks in the mill, became :rn orclerrnan, grater and served as a loading foreman for six years, moving to inside sales in 1959.
Sferling Set to Show Big New Yard
St_erling Lumber Company completed work on one of its olclest- (in years), but newest (in appearance)'yards lait month at Folsom, California. The brand-new building materials center is located at 616 EasI Bidwell Street and replaces Sterling's old yard which has served the citizens of the Folsom area for several decades.

.The Folsom .yard, coincidentally, is where Sterling's new general maniser. Lloyd Carter, first jolned the big- 16 yard chain organization some 27 lears ago.
New in every respect, the Folsom yard is located on a choice 2 acre plot. completely paved, and feature. . io-- bined showroom-warehouse building with nearly 12,000 sq. ft. of sales and storage area. The showroom itself takes up.approximately 2,000 sq. ft. with an additional 1200 sq. ft. foi back stock and large displayi. The warehouse is approximately 8,000 sq. ft., not counti_ng a 10 foot overhang along the side for all-weather loading of trucks. The operation also has additional undercover- storage in a new 72,x24, open face shed further back in the new yird.
I'[anager Bob Creasy had set mld to Iate April as a target date for his big grand opening celebration-and from our quick ".1,.?k" prevue of the opera- tion, it should be a real whopper!- i/lcnoger
O'Malley Opens New Yard at Scottsdale
O'Malley Lumber officially opened its newest building materials center at Scottsdale, Arizona, on March 3. The new yard operates under the name of O'Malley's Building Materials, 7735 East McDowell, Scottsdale. Yard area is 160' x 275', cornpletely paved, and store area is approximately 2500 sq. ft., not including & covered porch on the front of the store building which can be used as an outdoor display area.
Ar.r estimated 32,W0 people live rvithin a lrl mile radius at present and it is estimated by O'Malley officials that this figure will double within the next. two years as the Scottsdale area continues to gain in popularity. A complete one-stop-operation. O'Maliey' Building Materials is set up to handle the walk-in custom builder trade exclusively.
Manager of O'Malley's newest outlet is W. H. "Wilk" Sanford. Wilk was formerly manager of the hardware and tool department at O'Malley Lumber at 4th & Madison and when that yard closed he held the same position at the Contractors and Industrial yard of O'I\4alley's. Wilk is married, the father of four children and an avid sports enthusiast. The sports part carne naturally to Wilk as he was coach of St. Mary's High School in Phoenix from 1950 to 1958, when he originally joined O'Malley's.
The nerv yard will be a four man operation and will feature a complete line of hardware, paints, K.D. dimension lun.rber and building materials, Itob Hawkes, formerly at O'NIalleyScottsdale, rvill be \\rilk's assistant manag'er.