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Big Joint Goncoi for Boy Ares Hoo.Hoo Clubs Rescheduled
' Because all advance indications point to a runaway attendance, officials of Santa Clara Valley Hoo-Hoo Club 170, San Francisco Hoo-Hoo Club 9 and Oakland Hoo-Hoo Club 39. have rescheduled the three-club concat originally set for May 10, to Thursday everring, May 24. H'owever, the plac-e will remain the same, the always popular Chez Yvonne Restaurant in Mountain View where the boys can have the run of the place instead of sharing it with another service club on the original clate.
Several of the "Big'Wheels" of Inter- national will be on hand for the event. including Snark of the Universe Harvey Koll of Los Angeles, State Deputy Snark for Northern California Al Kerper of Paul Bunyan Lumber Co., and Supreme Scrivenoter Vaughan Justus, New Mexico Timber Corporation. Seats on the remainder of the Degree Team will be filled by past presidents and officers of the thr.ee participating clubs.
In all, this evening promises to be one of the really big events of the HooHoo year in northern California. Mark your calendar now, May 24 the new revised date, 6:29 p.m. the time, Chez Yvonne Restaurant, I\{ountain View, the place. See you there !
Home Show Announces Theme For 1962
A theme of "Everything, including the Kitchen Sink" was announced today for the 1962 Los Angeles Home Show to be held at the Sports Arena June 2l-July l.
"Our theme will be in keeping with our 'new look' for 1962," explained Carl F. Kraatz, managing direttor of the Home Show. "We are broadening our appeal this year. Our show will encompass everything inside and outside of the home."
Highlight of the ITth annual trade and consumer exposition will be the three full-scale model homes.