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Jim Nelson, popular retail lumber dealer of Buena Park, California, along with his wife and family, presently on an extended trip to Europe via Pan American Airways, Most of their time will be spent in trhe Scandinavian countries but time out will be taken to visit Paris, London, Rome and other areas of the continent.
Bill Stuart and his wife Dory on a trip up the coast last month to San Francisco and way rpoints. It was a combined business and pleasure venture.
Harry White, Long Beach wholesaler, is fast getting his old baseball form back. He is shooting a good stick of golf rather than swinging a bat.
Lock Bethuen, sales executive for Gulf Forest Products, Inc., Tarzana, California, on an extended trip throughout the pacific northwest on rprocurement expedition for his wholesale distributing concern.
Clif Roberts, San D'iego retailer, and his wife Dorothy, were recent visitors with the Jim Kirby family in the San Fernando valley.
A. W. (Art) Neth, well known southland wholesale lumber distributor, vacationing during the mon,th of April. Back on the job early in May. A combined business & lrleasure trip to the pacific norithwest.
Snark of the Universe Harvey Koll, Los Angeles, up to Sacramento area for a combincd Sacramento-Fairfield Hoo-Hoo,mee,ting in Fairfield on April 27. C. D. LeMaster and Jack Berry, both of Sacramento, on the rece'iving committee.
Lyle Brewster, Southern California rep for Hobbs Wall Lumber Co., up to Northern California in mid-April otr business. Following a day in San Francisco on bus,iness, Lyle then toured the mills in the areas of Sacramento, Auburn, Placerville and Grass Valley.
Keith Harry, who is now attached to Georgia-Pacific's New York office, spent the end of April vacationing around his old San Francisco haunts and making arrangements to move his family to the East Coast.
J. B. Phelps, United States Plywood Corporation has announced the arrival of John Frank Phelps born April 14, Huntington Memorial Hospital. He happily reports that both mother and baby are doing fine and that he is gradually recovering.
Georgia-Pacific Corp. named Ralph Bishop as manager of the company's big San Jose warehouse on April l. Ralph was transferred from Denver where prior to joining the company he operated his own warehouse there.
John Vanguard, head of Vanpont International, of S,an Francisco, has just returnerl from a 6 week business trip through Europe, including a side .trip to Italy where he took in the Milan Wo,rld Trade Fair.
Lloyd Hecatfiorn, Paul Ward and Pete Kepon attended a sales meeiing of Arcata Redwood Co,mpany at Arcata during late April and Pete wound up rerturni.ng to his Southern California territory with a broken ankle. Now we've heard of getting your arm twisted for that las,t o,ne. but an ankle . too much !
New bow s'aw line features heavy seamless tubing in a scientifically curved arch to transmirt tension evenly and exert maximum cutting pressure. Strongest lmd bearing construction-the oval cross section-evenly distributes stress to withstand extr€me thrus.t. Baked enamel finish. Tension lever clamp permits safe and quick change of blade. Blades are finest analysis Swedish charc,oal steel, 'tapered to thin back. Each saw packaged in individual polybag. Full range of styles, length fuom 27 to 42 inches. Open stock replacement blades. WITHERBY PRODUCTS DMSION, John H. Graham & Co. Inc., 105 Duane S,t., New Yo'rk 8, N.Y.
One of the problems faced by every business man is the efficient use of available space. An important subdivision of this problem is the proper selection of cabinets and their associated drawers to provide storage that combines space-saving with easy accessibility. Precision Equipment Co. has just published a chart which solves this problem. The chart is very easy to use. Simply select your specific storage needs from the proper column. Then, reading across the other column headings you can easily locate units having the bins, drawer unit inserts, etc. to meet your exact requirements. Associated rvith the Chart are descriptive listings and drawings, elaborating in detail the many types of storage available for any business need.
For your free storage Planning Chart, write to Precision Equipment Co., ,f411K Ravenswood Ave., Chicago 40, Illinois and be sure to mention the name of this magazine-