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Neut Product Profits
"New Finonciol Aids for Housing"
A vest pocket summary of "New Financial Aids for Housing" has been prepared for staff personnel and is now offered to all 'etail building material dealers and builders, by Georgia-Pacific Corporation.
Free copies are available to these groups.
This brief summary, compiled from a number of sources, has been checked by federal housing officials. It analyzes key points of new FHA and VA programs as a quick reference guide for those who are meeting needs of the housing industry with quality softwood and hardwood plywoods, hardwood and softwood lumber and hardboards of almost every ty.pe from Georgia-Pacific's 1,000,000 acres of perpetually growing timberlands and its modern forest products manufacturing plants from coast to coast.
As is any summary, this is not a substitute for the detailed and extensive regulations under which lending institutions nlust operate. It will, hou'ever, serve as a quick guide in explaining new housing finance opportunities.
For copies of this informative, interesting booklet, contact your local or area Georgia- Pacific Corporation, Equitable Building, Portland 4, Oregon.
Island City, New York. Independent laboratory tests have proved "Silent Guard" to be 5O/o more effective for sound deadening purposes than standard wall paints.
"Silent Guard" is recommended for walls and ceilings; dry wall construction and plaster; wood, hardboard, masonite, metal and masonry. It is applied directly on the surface with standard rollers. No surface preparation or primer coats are required. "Silent Guard" dries tack-free in one hour, to an attractive, stipple finish.
Althought available in white only, "Silent Guard" blends easily with colors in oil or [Jniversal tinting colors. Its sound deadening qualities make it ideal for apartments, hospitals, schools, public buildings and other structures where it is important to reduce the noise level.
"Silent Guard" is available in one gallon and five gallon cans, as well as in standard drums. It is a non-toxic, quality alkyd paint, blended with specially selected synthetic fibers. Tests conducted by Foster D. Snell, Inc., a leading research organization, indicate that the acoustical properties of "Silent Guard" are most pronounced in the "speech range," reducing the amount of sound energy transmitted by 50/o, even when applied to but one side of a wall. Additional sound deadening may be achieved by coating both sides of the wall.
Further details available on request. Write: The Monroe Sander Paint Corp., 10-18 46th Ave., Long Island City, N. Y.
Plywood Wropped "Temporory Boxcors" to Cut Lumber Shipping Costs
PORTLAND, Ore.-A new plywoodwrapped "temporary boxcar" has been developed by trVestern lumbermen to eliminate damage and the former extra costs of ship- ping dry lumber on open railroad flatcars. The unusual cars will be attracting attention nationwide within a few weeks.
The load itself forms the weatherproof "boxcar." Both the lumber and its protective wrapping go into the customer's inventory or onto the construction site at the end of the line, it is explained by Georgia-Pacific Corp. in a notice to its fir and pine lumber customefs.
The big forest products nranufacturer, which developed the new shipping system, said savings through elimination of special wrappings are among several advantages.
The new method, which the company said has been extensively tested on transcontinental shipments in all types of weather this winter, is an improvecl "floating load" with individual units of dimension lumber steel- strapped in weatherproof plywood sheathing.
Both the dry lumber and the small amount of exterior-glue-line 4 x 8-foot by %-inch CD plywood sheathing are normal purchases by the customer. Both arrive undamaged and ready for use at destination, it is explained, with no charges for the special loading.
"Requests for the new cars have mushroomed in recent weeks from only word-ofmouth reports on initial test cars," G-P officials revealed.
Paper wrappings, with which the lumber industry has been experimenting extensively, will be continued by G-P on other open-car shipments at customer request.
Use of open flatcars for weatherproof shipping allows mechanical loading: to a 75,00Gpound maximum-load rail rate savings of $1.50 per thousand board feet, which is passed along to the customer. In addition, tight hand loading of boxcars to attain such full loads is eliminated, along with the problems of recurring U.S. boxcar shortages.
There are additional substantial savings for customers in full mechanical unloading, the report indicates.
The G-P system now allows unloading in eitlrer 4 x 4-foot or 2 x 4-foot units in the various standard lengths. Test cars have been unloaded in from 0 to 45 minutes, depending upon which size units are handled, G-P said.
Loads are basically steel-strapped 2 x 4foot units of dimension lumber, a unit size G-P said is now preferred by many customers. These are combined into separated 4 x 4-foot units which have steel-strapped weatherproof plywood sides and tops and special paper ends.
Only 4 x 8-foot plywood sheets are used. Only the plywood's back is exposed, and special techniques were developed to eliminate strapping damage.
Each 2 x 4 and 4 x 4 unit is strapped individually, and the entire load then is strapped together to form one solid 75,000-pound weatherproof "boxcar" of lumber with a plywood outer shell.
"The result is a mixed car with dry lumber plus 1900 to 2lW feet of plywood sheathing, both of which the customer purchases at the going market price in his normal ordering. Both the plywood and lumber arrive ready for use," according to Mel Prawitz, G-P's fir lumber sales manager.
The plywood "'boxcar" system is being made available immediately for Douglas fir, white fir and hemlock dimension lumber shipments from G-P sawmills at Toledo and Springfield, Ore., and Feather Falls, Cal., r,r'ith other mills expected to be included later.
Focutql informotion, photogrophs ond drowings of Simpson redwood ore contqined in the new 1962 Redwood Siding ond Poneling cofolog (A.l.A. No. l9-D-2) now qvqilqble from Simpson Timber Compcny. The ottroctive, four-color cdlolog featutes product infornotion on Simpson's tifecoot focfory-primed rcdwmd products cnd economicol 1o Hondo interior poneling. Speciol Simpson potterns ond dimensions ore illustroted with cross-section drowings. Copies of this cctolog mcy be obtoined by writing Simpson Timber Co., 2042 Wcshingron Bldg., Seottle l, Wosh,
New Point Softens Sound
The development of a completely new type of paint which effectively and significantly reduces sound penetration, has been announced by Harold Tanney, President, Monroe Sander Paint Corporation, Long
This unusuol new moneyroving ideo for lumber shipping is c plywoodwropped corlood of dried dimension lumber. Exlensive tests indicqle il eliminoles domcge ond exlrc cost of old oPencqr psper wropping syrlems, solves boxcor shorloge problems, cnd speeds looding ond unlooding. Developed by Georgic-Pocific Corp., if is being sfoded immediolely on o notionwide delivery bosis from the compony's wesl coosf ftr ond pine sowmill operotion3. Upon delivery, both lhe w*lherproof plywood sheothing ond the dry lumber go inlo inv€nlory or conslruclion.
TONY SAYS: "Therc is no substitute for er.perience. Our usell trained sales staff is on the alert to obtain those hard-to-get items for IOUTHE RETNL DEALER," . . . Tony Marquez has been with MASON SUPPLIES' sales deparhnent for more than 17 years that is why he says, "There is absolutelg no substitute for ex.peri,ence and, knoto hous,"