1 minute read
Georgia-Pacific's I'rocery and multiwall paper bag plant adjacent to its Toledo, Oreg'on paper rnill, as well as its new corrugated box plant at Modesto, California, are expecrted to be i'n operation during April, management says. Engineering plans for a new pulp and pape,r mill at E,ureka-Samoa, California are nearing completion and construction will start later this year for completion around the end of 1963. The mill will produce appnoximately 300 tons per day of bleached kraft paper and board, bu,t it will not be necessary to harvest a single additional tree since the mill will be operated entirely on chips from the company's Eureka-Samoa opera,tions.
Georgia-Pacific management stated its belief rthat resul,ts will improve even lurther in the second quarter an.d throughout the year on the basis of increasing demand and prices for products an,d expected acceleration in ,the economy.
Georgia-Pacific is a leading integrated forest products company which manufactures paper, pulp, oontainerboard, plywood, hardboard, redwood special,ties, lumber, and wood chemicals.
Are you getting your shore of Soles ond Profits from this Door?
The "BALBOA" DOOR is o competitively priced door but sfill hos Quolity ond Customer-Appeol.
lf our Soles Deportment con be of help in promotionol work to your customers, we ore olwqys hoppy to hove you coll on us-
We qre qll ofier the sqme end results:
Alfred E. Wolfi, 80, pioneer San Francisco lumberman and export executive, died on April 6.
A native of Australia, Mr. Wolff was educated 'in San Francisco schools and lived in the Bay area for nearly 70 years.
His entire working career was spent in lumber, primarily in the expor,t side of the ind,ustry. A member of the J. J. Moore & Co. export staff for many years, he joined Rounds Trading Company in San Francisco during 1939. Although he officially retired in 1952, he couldn't bring himself to part with ,the industry which had been so much a part of his life. He remained on w.ith Rounds unrtil two years ago when the com- pany moved i'ts headquarters to Cloverdale. Mr. Wolff is survived by his wife, Helen, of their San Francisoo home, and two daughters, Mrs. Daniel Giles of Fairfax and Miss Jane Wolff of San Francisco.
New Computer for Colculoting Rqfter lengths
Emmert Products Company of Sycamore, Illinois, novr manufactures a brand new service tool, designed and developed for all professions associated with roof framing. Officially known as the DIAL-A-LENGI H RAFTERULE, its simple dial settings give accurate dimensions of the common, jack, and hip or valley rafters for any building span. The RAFTERULE creates a standard method of calculating rafter lengths and eliminates the necessity of reading the framing square, books, or charts.