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This dependable, easy-to-read computer is proving itself invaluable to LUMBERMEN,
ANd MANY OTHERS by putting accurate roof fram,ing answerrs at their fingertips.
By setting the RAFTERULE indicator to a selected roof pitch, ANYONE can accurately determine the rafter lengths for any building span. Since readings are graduat'ed much like a carpenter rule, rafter lengths are easily read to t/s" or less. This sturdy, all-plastic calculator also contains information on angular rafter cuts for radial arms saws as well as plumb, level, and side cut data for use with any framing square. All necessary instructions are self contained. Included with each unit is a durable, protective case.
The DIAL-A-LENGTH RAFTERULE sells for just $4.95 each prepaid, with satisfaction guaranteed. This practical trade-aid is available by mail from Emmert Products Company, Sycamore, Illinois. Free descriptive literature mailed upon request.
New Sowmill Automqtion Pqrts Avoilcble
Sawmills no longer need to use make-shift, "jury-rigged" components to save manpower in mechanizing and automating mill operations. Now, standardized individual very heavy-duty components are being made available by Mater Division of Appleton Machine Company, Corvallis, Oregon, and Appleton, Wisconsin.
The Mater Automation Components make do-it-yourself automation easier in both large and small mills. Previously available standard items which worked well in ordinary factories broke down when subjected to the shock loads, fine sawdust, and extremes of environmental conditions in the sarvmill. Mater Components are rugged enough to take the beating which only sawnrills can give.
Mater Automation Components are heavyduty standard parts which mill operators can insert in their own roll cases, lumber transf ers, controls, equipment, etc., to automate the operation of different mill functions. The Mater Components consist of push-button handles, selectors, automatic measuring and zeroing components, modulating pneumatic controls, heavy control consoles, heavy pin stops, trip switches, and control gates.
The Mater Components greatly simplify the automation of mill functions. A Mater field engineer is also available at standard field engineering rates to help mill operators work out their automation problems.
New Plywood Joint
Wins FHA Acceplance
Tongue and groove joints developed by the Douglas Fir Plywood Association have won FHA acceptance as an alternate to standard butt joints and blocking on plywood subfloors, the association has announced.
Neil A. Connor, director of FHA's Architectural Standards Division, informed the association this alternate will be included in the next Minimum Property Standards and that the Washington office will advise local insuring offices of its acceptability vr'hen requested.
The joint is similar to the one engineered for use with 2.4.1, the 7rA,-inch combination subfloor/underlayment panel and is applied to plywood of. fu-inch, s/s-inch and )/a-inch thicknesses.
IJse of this joint instead of blocking makes possible savings of about V5 per house on conventional floor construction.