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The New
DOUALAS FIR SIDING Distinctive t Versatile t Economical
Write or call collect today for full details and specifications.
(g&@wuulBr$DA&ffi P&YW@@D G@.
specialists in Douglas Fir Siding
P.O. Box 95, Cloverdale, California - TW 4-3387
Dick Ranft - Sales Manager
Sales Representatives:
Los Angeles - PACIFIC WOOD PRODUCTS - MA 8-7261
San Francisco - KEN SHIPP - OX7-7832
WEEHERNGilTN WNTER yEilnufl0il til saililER ttcl.cl. .3.ln.t DUIT. .r iAlN COLD ht d FL|ES... IOIQU|TOEA.,. tt|gEqr rEsts
Hollywood Jr. Twins Are All-Purpose Doors
Say goodbye forever to old fashioned screen, sash and storm doors. for here arc two all purpose doors...COMBINAT|oN SCREEN AND METAL SASH DOORS that fit all types of rttall construction and harmonrze with any interior styling.
Nole tlrese 4-ln-l ADYANTAGEIS
Q Gomrort f) r.o'o-y a Tha Hollfu,ood Ja Tuins paflnlt rnoila SrB buying a S[h, ScraGn and liSht In Htch.n .nd 3cilica porchd. Stqm Dor. Holly!flood Jrr. |rr rll 3 a GiYa rdquatc Grry wntll.tlon. a lmact-tltht, ru3t proot 3craam. a SBh Gl.ra mltf ba cl3.nod wlth ra3a.
Gonvenience a No mm drtourlnS around ! supcrilu- ou3.rtra door wlth.n rrmtul ot bundl€.. a l{o moro $8gln& fiimay acnan doolr rhlch lnYltc lntrudffi. a Acit .3 .n .ddltlon.l protactlon tor hdrcilif.. Sha nrt conytn€ xr'th out tUG thEuth nrh opcnlnt wlthilt unlod3lng th du. a BurSl.rpmf. A dmpL touch ot fin. awt locta xth. a S.YG3 on hrrdw.rc. hanglnt.nd p.inting. a S.w3 on crpGmlva rcplrcrmarts. a S.nr ipacc... Th. Holly|,ood Ji Tulm may bo hung to 3wln3 In tr ost. L.rc .nil.blc fioor 3prca whlch la uru.lly lort In lltchan or atry way. f,lf Pcnel or Flush o Hollywood Ja Twin3 ilYr you ,ou? cholca of r p.nal or lluth door b hammlz! wlth rntr 3tyla rrdrlbafrrr or lntdlor d6lgn. a Flsh dffi rv.ilrblG ln ?hlllpDln Lurun, OdGnt l &h (S.n) d Elrdr a P.n.l door| rwll.bL ln Dlno anlt
@mbined into I dd.
Writa loe hcq illu*orad lilcrolwc
raNu;ActutEts 0t SctEEN Doots, towrE Doors I sBtjTllrs ll27 Eort 63rd Shect, lor Angelcr, Ga]ifornio ADqmr l-1108 't Afl Wcrl Cosl Produclt oro ditlribuled by rcpuloblc dcolcrr nolioavido f
.elunlter, EanA 7,a@/il loo/d Aif/4oilf Seln? 4oz OAK, BEECH, cnd MAPIE FIOORING Brodley Unit Wood Block Flooring Higgins Lominqted Block Flooring Ook Threshold qnd Sill Truck Body Lumber ond Sfokes Cedor Closet Lining