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Picture Industry
A prominent place in the motion picture industry is oecupied by the architectural profession. This is shown in the. special .exhibition q{ jh. ry9t1. H3ro.l{ Miles, Ltli"t, lng Fi tne speclal exnrDltron ot the work ot Harold lvlrles, artlst, whicli is being h'eld until June l5 in the Architects Building Material Exhibit, Fifth and Figueroa streets, Los Angeles. Mr. Miles has been connected with motion oictures for pictures some time and has designed sets for many famous pictures. Sketches of these will be included in the display and will show the amount of detail necessary in this type of work.
The development of this form of entertainment calls for a great variety of skill and talent in many fields, and each studio now has its own drafting room and corps of men whose business it is to design, draw, and supervise construction of the sets used in the pictures produced there. These sets not only include architectural material from all ages and countries, but they cover also a much wider field which includes everything conceivable to human imaginatl0n.
B. C. Cargo Lumber Exports
for March Show Decline
Waterborne lumber exports from Vancouver Island, New Westminster and Vancouver, during March amounted to 42,319,W board feet compared with 6,077,W the same month last year, a decline of 36 per cent, state reports from Consuls Harold S. Tewell at Vancouver and Robert M. Newcomb at Victoria and made public by the Lumber Division of the Department of Commerce. '
Waterborne shipments to the United States decreased from 21,657,00O board feet in March, 1930, to 13,120,000 in
March this year, a decline of 39 per cent, while shipments to the Orient declined fiom 24,464,000 feet to 17,103.00O. a
17,103,000, a l0 p.t -c91! d1op, and exports to the United Kingdom fell 9v pel -cgll glop, ano ro the Untted Ktngdc from 10,160,000 feet to 6,886,000, a 32 per cent dr-op.
-Sa-w_ f9g-s scaled in British Columbia during March totaled 145,769,000 board feet compared with Z1Z.6Z.W in March, 1930, a decline of. 27 peicent.Total logs.scaled 9ltil_S-the first three months of this year amounted to 381,338,000 board feet compared with 485,710,000 for the same period of last year, a decline of 22 per cent.
OREGON LUMBERMAN VISITS S. F. _- George T. Gerlinger, of Portland, Ore., president of the Willamette Valley Lumber Co. was a recetlt visitor to San Francisco.