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Philippine Lumbermen Seek Freight Rate Cut to Europe

According to an announcement by the Philippine Hardrvood Export,A_ssocia-tion, the freight rate to Etuope is ap- proximately $22 per M, r.vhich the leading exporte:rs claih makes it almost impossible to sell Philippine lumber in Europe and the Association seeks a freight-ieduction, states a report from Trade Commissioner E. D. Hester at Manila to the Lumber Division of the Department of Commerce.

The lumber rate to the Pacific Coast of the United States has recently been cut $2 per M and to the Atlantic Coast $2.50. The nerv rate to theAtlantic seaboard is $17.50 per M.

The Philippine trade reports a satisfactory local demand and the industry to be in a better condition-than in several months. A freer movement of stocks is expected as a result of the freight reductions and early shi ot-the-tretght shipments of about l,000,000 feet to the United States and Eurooe are exnected. rope are expected. Some of the larger lumber companies have increased prices and another increase is in prospect.

A recent meeting of the Export Association tvas to discuss the establishment of a lumber exchange and certain c-hanges in the methods of grading. Buyers-are basing orders on the standard Association grades.

The Association has an extenlive display of philippine lumber products at the "Expositr-on Intirnitionale Ctloniale de Paris".

Mill at Heppner, Ore., Resumes Operations

Under new management, the Harrison & Fisher mill. located seventeen miles from Heppner, Oregon, has resumed proCuction. This mill, which-was built-about three years_ago, has been taken over by Messrs. R. F. Barker and. Geo. R. Barker and will be operated as the Heppner Log & Lumber Company. Geo. R. Barker will act u.'-"rrager__o,f the new comple, and Frank Doty, formerly with the Wm. Hulbert Mill Company of Everett, Washington, will be superintendent.

A total of 25,0@ feet of lumber per day will be kiln dried. The latest and most rnodern type of Reversible Cross Cir_ qulation dry kiln is being installed by the Moore Drv Kiln 9oTp"l1 of North Portland, Oregon. The fan equipment in this kiln will be driven by stealm, and the exhauit witt be employed for heating. The kiln building will be of the new type_of economical wood constructionl Arrangements are .also- being made for the economical stacking" of the lumber by.down-stacking from an elevated platfo-rm. Unstacking will be conducted by piling the kilr dried lumber in packages which may be r-eaaity -moved onto trucks for hauling to the company's planing mill located on the Un_ ion Pacific Railroad at Heppner.'

Geo. R. Barker, who will handle the sales of the com_ pany, was previously connected with the Duncan Lumber Uompany and later with the Barker-Beach Lumber Com_ pany of Portland, Oregon.

William H. Hollenbeck

William H. Hollenbeck, president of the Hollenbeck_ F_tt.tt-Planing Mill, Fresno, died at his home in Fresno. May 18, after a period of illness. Mr. Hollenbeck, ,rt o irrl. Q y""r. ,old, was born in Winnebago, Ill., and .u*. io Fresno,43--years _ago- Heis survived by his widow, Mri Annie Hollenbeck; three daughters and two brotheis.

First introduced 4 years ago

-now largest seller on market

Largest seller, fastest seller, because b c r t. Guaranteed 9XJy'o or more red heartwood with |ffi% oil content. And packed in metal-bound cartons for good measure,

For quotatiots and literature address Calilottia distr;butors: rl-inch Uniform Thickness-3 Ply, Sanded 2 Sidcr

The ALL WOOD WaIl Board a A hoft-Iten for Distf,ibution Thru Lumber Dealers a Noxt Dust-Proof Btndted PLYLOCK Wall Board. bundled l0 panels to a bundle, is a genuine vol- ume-producer. Get the factsl Sell PLYLOCK for Customer Satisfaction and You r Profit. Unexcelled uniform quality.

SIZES: Widths, 32 and 48 iDches-Lengths, 5, 6, 7 and 8 feet

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