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Service Association Fey Building, Lor Angcla
Appointed Assistant Sales Manager
Tom V. Sawyer, Sales l\{anager of TheInsulite Co., Minneapolis, has announced the appointment of Meredith G. Jensen as assistant sales manager. l\{r. Jansen has been associated with the lumber and building industries for many years, and has had a long and extensive experience in the insulation field. He r'vill assist in putting into practice the company's ner,v merchandising program and its recently inaugurated 100 per cent retail lumlter clealer distribution policy.
Sign Marking Agreements
Agreements authorizing use of the West Coast l-umbermen's Association grade-marks on lumber graded in Southern California retail luml>er yards under supervision of A. A. Kayser, Association grades inspector, have been recently signed by the following firms:
Fox-Woodsum Lumber Co., Glendale; J. & W. C. Shull, Inc., Bell ; A. E. Fickling, Long Beach; Atlantic Lumber Co., Bell ; Bear State Lumber Co., Long Beach; Geo. M. Huff Lumber Co., Los Angeles.

More than 4O firms, some of them operating several yards, have signed marking agreements.
W. R. Charnberlin, W. R. Chamberlin & Co., San Francisco, rvas a Los Angeles visitor during the month of May 'where he spent a ferv days conferring with Jack Rea, manager of the company's I-os Angeles office.
Guysmithvisits Pacific Coast
- GuySni.ith, _Ner1 York City, clistrict manager of the Atlantic-Pacific Lumber Co., rvas a San Francisco and Los Angeles visitor dur11S the past month follorving a several rveeks' trip in the Northr,vest. I{e left for Neri york on May 22.
Why the largect millr are installing our IMPROVED AIR COOLED RER'SE BURNERS. WE ARE ABLE to care for your require. meqrts for air cooled and brick lined refuse burnersnew and used boilerr of all rizer and typer.
Seattlc, WuL.