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ttOnly the Piston movestt

Yz to z-inch Drilling Capacity.

Weights 10 to 20 lbs.

Priced at f 100 andup.

Electrtc Drlllc' All Slzcs

Portabte Gtfnders and Bench T54lec

Gmcrete Surfacerr

Strand Fledble Shatts and Equtpnent

ElecGrtc Hand Sawr gandcrs . Pollehers " Bufterc

If a job can be done with an electric f66t-1ar3 have it.

(Thc Clccting Houee)

This Column of "Wants" and '6Don't Wants" is fon

The Fellow Who Wants to Buy The Fellow Who Wants to Sell The Fellow Who Wants to Hire

Rate: t2.s0 per cotumn incft

The Fellow Who Wante to Be Hired

For Sale

Planing Mill Machinery for sale. All modern, new 3 years ago. Loe Angeles Planing Mill Co., 1800 Industrial St., Lc Angeles, Calif. Phone VAndike 8460.

Planing Mill Superintendent And Foreman Open For Position

Mill superintendent and foreman open lor position' 9o*bination man in medium shop. Details-Estimating-Sales -Shop Foreman-Shop.Layouts-Architectural Draftsman on small homes or Plan Service. Well recommended from well known lumber compairies. I will put your plant on a paying basis ifit is at all possible. Salary $250.m per month with lO% of the net profits. Box C-391, California Lumber Merchant.


The California Lumber Mer'chant can contact a very responsible man, experienced in wholesale and retail-buying and selling lumber-estimating. accounting, yard managehent. Has managed Insurance Department of building material company. Experienced in all lines of Portland Cement sales. Will go anywhere. Married-age 35. Address Box C-393. The California Lumber Merchant.


Are you a retail lumberman who can prove himself an asset to su,ch a business and with a small amount of capital ? If so investigate this. Writefully, Box C-394, care California Lumber Merchant.

Position Wanted By Experienced Lumber Office Man

By experienced all around lumber office clerical man. A-1 refeiences regarding integrity and general qualifica' tions. Address Box C-382. California Lumber Merchant.


Open for position with wholesale or retail lumb€r cor: cern selling or manager of yard. Seven years' experience wholesale and retail liardwoods, Sugar and White Pine, O. P. Panels, five years manager, two years accountant. Have excellent references as to ability, character and honesty, and results. Address Box C-392. care California Lumber Merchant.


The current depression ofters a relatively better oPPoEtunity to the yard with a management that is.keen and alert to meet conditions, prune its costs and adapt itself to circumstances. With years of experience to my credit I can cope with present conditions if anybody can, and would appreciate an interview. F. W. Blanchard, 3128 Eton Ave., Berkeley, Calif.


Lumberman with experience as Yard Manager, Sales, Office, and Association Work lvants position. Prefer Los Angelqs or Southern California. Would appreciate interview. Can furnish best of references. Address Box C-396, care California Lumber Merchant.


The office of the California Lumber Merchant ir constantly receiving applications, fromboth men and women, desiring work with lumberconcerna. Moot of these have had previous lumber e:rperience.

When you are in need of help of any kind, either office or yard, why not get the habit of calling us first and giving ur an opporhrnity to be of serrice to you ar well as to thooe needing employment? There is no charge with thir cerrice, to employer or employee.

Long.Bell oak fooring bears, in addition to its own name, the em. blem-SOFI-thebtandofSouth. ern Oak Flooring Industries, an aosociation to promote fine flooring through ad. vertising, research and co.operation with ietail Iumber dealers, atchi tects. contractors : and individual builders.

stays sold,

Efectioe dealer selling aids in oilr setu;ce include literature in coloq slides and dealer cuts, lYeuouldlikefotyoutoseeforyoarself houilsefal ,be!u)oald be to yoa-jasturitcfortbett.

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