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24 Puget Sound Mills Form Cooperative Sales Organization

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Organization of the Puget Sound Associated Mills, a 'cooperative selling and merchandising company for handling lumber shipments to the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts and adjacent backhaul territory, was completed May 12, according to announcement made May 13 by the West Coast Lumbermen's Association. It is expected the company will start active operation June 15.

Twenty-four sawmills in Everett, Seattle, Tacoma, Olympia, Shelton and Port Angeles, all of whom are regular shippers in the intercoastal lumber trade, are represented in the new company, which will handle normally about 30,000,0m feet of lumber a month.

C. H. Kreienbaum, Reed Mill Co., Shelton, was elected president of the new organization; A. E. Mclntosh, ClarkNickerson Lumber Co., Everett, is vice-president; R. J. Sharp, Mountain Lumber Co., Tacoma, Secretary, and W. B. Nettleton, ;Nettleton Lumber Co., Seattle, treasurer. The board of trustees consists of these officers and the following: Maurice Springer, Springer Mill Co., Olympia; W. L. Raymond, Olympic Forest Products Co., Port Angeles, and John Robinson, Robinson Mfg. Co., Everett.

Robert E. Seeley, who has had considerable experience in merchandising West Coast lumber on theAtlantic seaboard, has been chosen as manager.

Colonel W. B. Greeley, secretary-manager of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association, has long been an advocate of the formation of strong merchandising organizations of this kind. His association regards this new organization as one of the most ,constructive developments in the lumber industry of Washington for many years.

Endorse Parson Simpkin Memorial

At the regular meeting of Hoo Hoo Club No. 9, San Francisco, California, April 30, the following resolution endorsing the Parson Simpkin Sequoia Memorial was unanimously adopted:

WHEREAS a committee of representative Pacific Coast Lumbermen has been formed for the purpose of securing and reserving for dedication, one of the Sequoia Gigantea in the Calaveras Grove of Big Trees in Calaveras County, California, and for the purpose of dedicating this tree to the memory of our late beloved Parson Simpkin, therefore be it

RESOLVED that Hoo-Hoo Club No. 9 unanimously endorse this movement and lend every effort, both moral and financial towards its consummation. and be it further RESOLVEDthat this resolution be spread upon our minutes and copy thereof be sent to all the local papers, all lumber publications and to all Pacific Coast Hoo-Hoo Clubs.

HOO-HOO CI-UB NO.9, B. E. Tietjen, Secretarv-Treasurer.

Ray Cox On Texas Trip

Ray B. Cox, vice president and general man6ger of the Built-In Fixture Company, Berkeley, left May 8 on a three weeks' business trip to Texas. Mr. Cox will visit Dallas, San Antonio, Houston and other points.

Surprising Service On Veneered Doors


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