2 minute read
Portland Lumber Firm Will Shaw Bertram Co. Buy Buy for Boulder Dam Timber
The Chapman Lumber Company, Portland, Ore', has been appointed by Six Companies, Inc., San Francisco, as purchaiing agenti of Douglas fir lumber and timbers from Washingt6n ind Oregon io be used in the construction of Boulder"Dam. OrderJ will be placed with rail and cargo mills for shipment by water to San Pedro and thence by rail to Boulder City, Nevada. The first order to reach the Chapman Lumber-Co. was for 2,000,000 feet of 7x8-8 fir cross ties and switch ties.
The contract of the Six Companies, Inc., was for $48,000,000. This is the largest contract ever let in the United States. The government will in addition furnish $50,000,000 worth of material.
Becomes General Manager
Otis Angier, Angier Corporation, who has been manager of the territory including the western states with headquarters at the E. K. Wood Lumber Co., Los Angeles, has been called back to the factory at Framingham, Mass., where he will assume the general managership. Mr. Angier left for the east on May D. Mark Enfield, who has been associated with the Angier Corporation, will be in charge of territory including the states of California, Arizona and Nevada. The E. K. Wood Lumber Co. are the distributors of Brownskin, an insulation product manufactured by the Angier Corporation, in these three states.
Mexico Temporarily Permits Wooden Houses Duty Free
A Mexican decree, published and effective onMay 14, 1931, authorizes for a period of not more than six months the duty-free importation of wooden houses to be used by victims of the Oaxaca earthquake, according to a cable received by the Department of Commerce from Acting Commercial Attache Erwin P. Keeler, Mexico City. Wooden houses regularly are assessed duty at the rate of 2 centavos per gross kilo plus the usual surtax of 3 per cent of duty.
Pine Manufacturer Visits San Francisco
Huntington Taylor, general manager of the Crater Lake Lum'ber Company, Sprague River, Oregon, recently spent a few days in San Francisco on business.
J. R. Shaw, president of the Shaw Bertram Lumber Company, Klamath Falls, Ore., announcgs the purchase of about 24,W acres of timber from the Pickering Lumber Company.
The tract is located fifty miles southwest of Klamath Falls on the Great Northern Railroad and contains approximately 3,000,000,000 feet of pine. In making the announcement Mr, Shaw said this will be held as a future supply for his company.
Western Cedar Association Elect Officers
At the annual session of the Western Cedar Association, M. P. Flannery of Spokane, Wash., was elected president, to succeed L. A. Page of Minneapolis. Other officers and members of the board named were. Wilbur LaFean. Chicago, vice president; W. H. Jones, Spokane, secretary, (reelected) ; J. E. Shaefer, Sandpoint; Fulton Cook, St. Maries, W.T. Kuntz, Spokane; L. A. Page, Minneapolis, and L. F. Chapman, Spokane. J. E. Gerich, Milwaukee, was named chairman of the research committee.
Appointed Distributors of Thermax
The E. K. Wood Lumber Co., Los Angeles, has been appointed the distributors of Thermax, a freproof building insulation, for the state of California. Thermax is manufactured by the Thermax Corporation of Chicago, Il1. A. Van Zant of Los Angeles is factory representative in charge of the territory rvhich includes the western states.
Fred Holmes Back On Job
Fred V. Holmes, Holmes Eureka Lumber Co., San Francisco, has returned to his office after being confined to his home for about a week with an attack of flu.
John Olson Vtstts San Franctsco
John Olson, manager of the Los Angeles office of the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., has returned from spending a few days at the company's home office in San Franc1sco.
- ftooe - Pr-in.Noetre
This perfect foor plan speaks for itself.
The rounded thatched roof leirds an air of old world quaintness which is carried out further by the rich red brick trim against the neutral rtucco. The carefully planned details by our specialists in regard to such seemingly minor notes as the leaded glass casement windows, brick wall and light fixtures, all make a pleasing and distinctive home.
Plans for this attractive homc carr be furnished by thc