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1 Blanchard Lumber Co. Refinish Offices in Knotty Pine
To the Blanchard Lumber Company, North Hollywood, goes the credit of being one of the first concerns in Southern California to refinish their offices in Knotty Pine finish. In October, l9D, R. W. Blanchard engaged George W. Williamson, prominent North Hollywood contractoi, to install this popular finish, and since that time the office has become one of the show places in that vicinity. lxl2 and 1x3 Shevlin Knotty Finish was used, the lxl2's being grooved on both edges and the lx3 being tongued on both edges. The pattern of this panelling and the tapered blocks at the top of the moulded strips, were designed by Mr. Williamson. A mellow brown stain was applied, giving the interior an air of charm and distinction. Hot summer rvinds and weather changes have failed to mar the beauty of these walls.
was Mcextra prlce when seasoned ln Cross Circulation Kilns ! Moore IDry Kiln Gornpany World's Largest Manufacturers of Dry Kilns and Equipment. North Portland, Ore. Jackconville, Flori&
East Bay Hoo Hoo Club
Head Coach W. H. "Navy Bill" Ingram was the principal speaker at the regular monthly dinn'er meeting of the East Bay Hoo Hoo Club held at the Athens Athletic Club, Monday evening, May 11.
Mr. Ingram's talk on the subject of football was heartily applauded.
President Ray B. Cox presided. The entertainment program included two specialty musical numbers, a Japanese harmonica player, who played selections from the operas, and a Russian singer, who piayed his own accompaniment on a guitar.
Vice President Larue Woodson did his bit towards swelling the attendance by bringing along three guests. These were: Bob Osgood, former president of the Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Club; W. L. Rawn, Seattle, and W. I. Wilson. California Door Co., San Francisco.
The president asked those present to keep in mind the date of the second annual Ladies' Night, August 14.
Chips From The Forest
M_arking an epoch in American forestry, the U. S. Forest Service recently made a sale of wood fiom the Nebraska National .Forest, _a region that less than thirty years ago was nothing but barren sand dunes. Planted io jack pinie, this area is now producing a forest crop, the firsi arti'ficiai forest in the histbry oftlie Forest Service to do so. For hundreds of years foresters have sold timber from the mangrown forests of Europe, while the United States has been harvesting the forests grown by nature.
Three counties in Northern California, Humboldt, Sis- kiyou and Trinity, by action of their boards of supervisors, recently endorsed the fire protection work of the U. S. Forest Service and the State Division of Forestry. and have called on their citizens to render every assistince in pre- venting forest fires.
__The friendly relationship of the Forest Service to the National Park Service is d-emonstrated by the recent dedication by the Secretary of Agriculture oi the Mather Memorial Parkway commemoratlng the life and work of the late Stephen T. Mather, formei director of the National Park Service, Department of the fnterior. This memorial parkway, located in the Rainier National Forest. Washinq- parkway, !1 National Forest, Washing- ton, comprises 24,300 acres of forest land extendine one-hatif 2{300 extending one-hi mile on either side of the Natchez pass High#ay for a distance of 50 miles. The outstanding sceniclnd inspira- tional function of this memorial area w'ill be safeguardeh by the Forest Service.
Taking a dose of its own medicine and thereby strensthening'its no-advertising-signs policy, the U. S. Ftrest SErvice has decided to do.away w_ith all-fire warning signs along main traveled roads in the National Forests oI thi Califor"nia Region, according to an order issued by Regional Forester S. B. Show. Fire warning signs will'be p6sted hereafter only at entrances to the nltio--nal forests. This order does not affect special re-strictive fire signs relating to no smoking, camp fire permits, closed areal and the like.