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Arizona Retailers Hold Annual at Phoenix
John C. Light Elected President
At the fourteenth annual convention of the Lumbermen's Club of Arizona held at the Hotel Adams, Phoenix, Ariz., on May 15, 16 and.L7, John C. Light, Norman-Light Lumber Co., Miami, was elebted president. W. E. Edens, Cottonwood Lumter Co., Cottonwood, was re-elected vicepresident, and E.H. Wheat, Phoenix, was re-elected secretary-manager.
W. A. Lamprey, Pima Lumber Co., Tucson; Frank Tutt, Jerome Lumber Co., Jerome; L. M. Hamman, I{ammanMcFarland Lumber Co., Phoenix; R. E. Webster, Douglas Lumber Co., Douglas; and A. F. Radamacher, Yuma, were elected directors.
President J. W. Tardy, Douglas Lumber Co., Phoenix, opened the Friday morning session. The guests and delegates were welcomed to Phoenix by George Todd, city manager.
A. C. Horner, San Francisco, Western manager of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association. addressed the convention on lumber conditions throughout the country and the activities of the National association. Frank Curran, E. K. Wood Lumber Co., Los Angeles, and E. U. Wheelock, E. U. Wheelock, Inc.,Los Angeles, also addressed the convention.
The Friday afternoon meeting was a closed session for members. Following the reports of the president and the secretary-manag'er, the annual election of officers was held. The session was concluded with a general business discussion.
John C. Light, who rvas elected president at the Friday afternoon session, presided over the Saturday meetings.
'J. T. Kingdon, Denver, Colo., field representative of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association, spent a few days in Los Angeles and San Francisco the latter part of May on Association business.
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Included in the morning's session lvere informal reports of the delegates from several Arizona cities on lumber business conditions in their localities.
Otto Hartwig, Trade Extension Department of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association, Seattle, Wash., was the first speaker at the afternoon session. His talk featured the experience of a lumber firm in Eugene, Ore., which- sent salesmen into the surrounding country to discuss with the farmers their building problems and needs. The salesmen were able to give the owner many practical suggestions in his particular building problems which resulted in a more extensive use of lumber and better equipped farms.
A. C. Horner discussed the Phoenix building code and he urged the lumbermen there to take an active interest and offer aid for the revision of the code to the extent that it will benefit the public through increased service and aid the dealer through proper building regulations.
The lumbermen adopted a resolution favoring an "ample tariff" on copper.
The entertainment program included a Hoo Hoo concatenation and stag dinner followed by a dance on Friday evening, a luncheon and entertainment for the ladies at the Phoenix Country Club on Saturday noon, and the annual dinner dance held in the main dining room of the Hotel Adams on Saturday evening. The annual golf tournament was held at the Phoenix Country Club on Sunday.
The program and entertainment committee for the convention included Avery Corpstein, J. J. Halloran, J. G. O'Malley, J. R. Halstead and M. H. McCalla. The ladies' entertainment committee included the wives of the Phoenix retail lumber dealers.
L. E. Force, general manager of the Douglas Fir Exploitation & Export Co., Seattle, recently spent a week in San Francisco, where he conferred with G. C. Thompson, manager of the company's San Francisco office.
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