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How Lumber Looks
There irn't a great deal to report in the way of changer in the wholerale market condition, in the part two weelrs.
An angle that ir being given reriour conrideration, right at thia time, ir the contemplated shut down of a large number of the miils, t[ir year for a longer period than urual and in rome caler for an indefinite period.
Log pondt are being cleaned up, order bookc thinned out, and in another thirty dayr there should be a reaction, at least a temporary one. The log market has been weak for some time, and with over forty millr now running but five days per week, and ten of the larger ones down altogether with a total curtailment of about 15 million feet per week, there is liable to be a change.
The mills are looking forward to a good summer in rail businers, reports from the Middle Wert tell of large cropr and prorperous condition, predicting a revival of the lumber
Los Angeles Hoo Hoo To Entertain Wives And Kiddies
Members of the Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Club have decided to hold a "Wives and Kiddies Day" meeting.
An affair of this kind has been in the wind for some time, and it was as a result of direct action taken by Cliff Estes, at the meeting on the llth, that a date was set and preliminary arrangements made.
The meeting will be held on Thursday, June 25th, the place yet to be decided.
It is the intention of the Committee to make this affair the largest nooh meeting ever held by Hoo Hoo anywhere, with the wives, sweethearts and children of as many of the good members as possible- At the meeting on the llth, thirty-t.rvo of the boys pledged themselves to bring their ladies and kiddies.
A suitable program will be worked out, for the entertainment of the little ones, and for the grown-ups, and the
Hourtog, Tc*g
Notthwotcrn Officc !f Northvcat ra BL. Bldt. Portterd, Orcaoa conrumption, in good quantitier, in that section priccc in the Atlantic Coart market are firm. meeting is being looked forward to by many of the Los nngetes crowd.
The volume of burinecr in California among the retail dederr, the last thirty days, har not encoruaged them to rtock up jut before vacation time and the rerultant dow up in building. Orders are being placed for immediate needi, at price that have held fairly eteady for thirty daya.
To the night of the 12th, about SS,O(X),OOO feet of Fir and Redwood had been reported at San pedro Harbor.
Permits in Los Angeles indicate anottrer big month, with a large percentage of Class ..A" anrd concrete conrbuction.
The last report of the West Coast Lumbermen's Acrociation shows a week's cut, by its member mille, of 92 million feet, sales of 96 million and they rhipped ll2 million. They report unfilted ordenr amounting to 4r9(X) carr.
The California Redwood Association member millr report a week's new buriness totalling rix and one-half million with production at severr million.
Anhouncements are being mailed on the 15th giving all details.
An intensive State-wide campaign to interest the boys and girls of California, and errery adult possible, in tire preservation of the State's forests and thi prevention of forest fires, will be conducted from July 1 -to 15. It is planned to have at least 1,0m,0m boys ind girls enlisted 1T the campaign and the slogan wili be .,Sive Growing Forests for Growing Childrenl'
The movement is under the auspices of the California Development Association, the California White and Sugar Pine l\{anufacturing Association, the Conservation Adiociation of Southern California and the Chambers of Commerce of the State.
The first of five regio'nal meetings to arrange final plans will be held. June _10 in the offi&s of the -Developmerit Association in the Ferry building, San Francisco.