1 minute read
Extra Profits for Lurnber Yards Now Selling Bishopric Base!
wHILE many lumber dealers forinerly lost the sale for wall material to a building supply dealer-they now make this extra profit easily by selling Bishopric
You get first chance at the builder. You can't sell him lumber sheathing at a profit-but you can sell Bishopric Base at a big pro6t. Yet engineers' tests have proved Bishopric to be stronger and better than one-inch lumber as a backing for stucco and plaster walls. Back East 'lumber dealers have a big sale on Bishopric because it is a lumber product. And now the West is using Bishopric -Base by carloads. Get your share. Write for dealer proposition.-Bishopric Mfg. Co. of California,604-626 East 62nd St., Los Angeles. 'Phone AXridge 9108.