1 minute read
EarI Minton Sells Complete Home
Lurnbcrncntr Scrvicc Arocirtioa, {lX Fry Building, Lor Angclcr, Celifornia
Mountain Vicw, Californir, Mry 15, 1925 tfVc t[ink your Mr. Dcrnicr will bc intcrcrtcd in advcrtiring _w_hich wc--ere cerrying on now with your new plan rcrvicc. Would alio ruigcrt thet you rhow thir to thc "Celifornia Lumbcr Mcrchent."
Wc bclicv!-thet thc icvclopmcnt of en cxclurivc rcridcncc tract with artirtic ruoderetc priccd homcr ir e -rtcp in rdrsncc in thc ncrchendiring of honcr-. Wc do not .ec ray logical rcl.on lvhy a fi-rm _equippcd u_wc lrc-' to rcll rll-thc netcriel in r homc, including thc-plumbing and hcating, arc not thJlogical p:ople to rcll thc homc. Fron_thc prorpcctivc homc owncrtr rtandpoint, hc iomcr-to ur, rlclcctr hir toiand hir plen, end wc atiend to thc cntirc burincr of financing, brrildingr- rnd turn thc job ovcr to him cornplctcr' including thc hwn. l\fc rrc finding that th-ir ryrtcm of rclling homer_ complctc ir worhing vcry utiriactority. In handlini thc cerpcnt-r worL, wc cnploy our cei;cntcr fricndr eithcr by dey work or undcr tub-contnct for thc lrbor, end find that it kccpr cverybody h.ppy. \lfi.h yo.t would rcfcr- thir lclter io Mr. -Dcrnicr for hir criticirm, if he would catG to looL it ovcr.
Sinccrcly yourr, Hcrc ie thc Ad rcfcrrcd to
By E. D. Minton
A Wonderful Little Home
of irresistible charm and moderate cost, in the quaint English style now becoming so popular
$675.00 Down
Buys this cottage, including garage and cement basement, on a 50-foot lot in Palmita Park, all complete in every detail, including lawn, sidewalks, driveway, shades, linoleum, 6xtures, in fact, all ready to live in. Balance of total price of $4,500.00 can be arranged small monthly payments. We invite you, whether you are going to build or not, to ball at our office and look over a beautiful new plan book of these distinctive English homes. All of them are unusually artistic and the floor plans are attractive and practicar'