3 minute read
Advertising SERVICE,
Here ir how Curtir Cutter, of tte Cutter Mill & tumbcr Company, Sacramento, attractr the prorpective home ownerr of |ir clty.
Thir page advertirement appeared in the 1925 HOME BUILDERS BLUE BOOK, publirhcd at Sacrarnento.
Cutter Cut Lumber
You often go on a job and as you walk about looking at the new buildings, /ou-'see:isiirall pieces of lumber lying about with "Cutter Cut Lumber" stamped on them.
When you see this, you can feel confident that the lumber being used is the best that can be bought for the purpose. If you see a beautiful front dobr, you will know it to be made of proper material and in such a way as to stand the wind, rain and sun on one side and the heat of the furnace on the other without warping or cracking.
Again, this house was probably being built from a set of our plans.
Stop and think for a minutc before you start this home; you arc going to spend thousands of dollars to buy and asscmble a lot of building material. How is it -going to look? How is thc arrangement of thc rooms going to please you? You ccrtainly must realizc thc importince of a good sct of plans. Go to an architcct or come to our officc and lct us hclp you decidc what you want and how it will look. Wouliin't you fccl finc if-you spcnt all af that money you hive save<i for a home and whcri it was all over, you had somcthing that looked just like a house and had just rooms in it, whcn you could havc had a hornc that was ,so plcasing to thc eyc that no one could cvcr pass it by without a second look? Thc foor plan so well arranged that dozens of stcps a day wcre saved Mrs. Housewifc and all so cozy and cute insidc that when you come home in thc evening, it's a real home that wcars wcll and gives satisfaction.
We have ovcr 5fl) plans and two mcn,to hdp you,.all for the sake of bcttcr homcs and that we'rnay Ec-allowed to figurc your lumber and mill listg, so don't forgct us.
Notice To Los Angeles Hoo Hoo
The Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Club will suspend the weekly luncheons for seven weeks, during the summer. This decision was made at the May 28th meeting, when a vote was taken to suspend the June 4th meeting, during Shrine Week, and to hold the weekly meetings until and including June 25th, and then to close until August 20th, when the Thursday luncheons will again start.
Frederick Whitton was the speaker of the day at the regular meeting of Hoo Club No. 9 on Thursday, May 28 at the Palace Hotel. Mr. Whitton, who is a very able speaker, had for his subject the League of Nations and the Worl,tl Court. Mr. Whitton's talk was very instructive and was very much enjoyed by the large number of members present.
R. A. Hiscox was called on to "pinch hit" for Ted Lerch, who was to be the Chairman of the Day, but owing to a hurried business trip to Los Angeles, he was unable to be present. The Golden Gate Trio sang several selections and made a big hit with the crowd.
J. E. Martin, Chairman of the Dance Committee, announced that the Club Dance would be held at the Palace Hotel on Saturday evening, June 27. Fred Roth, Chairman of the Picnic Committee, reported that the picnic would be held sometime during the month of August at Del Kendall. Joe Fifer, Albion Lumber Co., was the winner of the Attendance Prize, a wonderful Fountain Pen, donated by Homer Maris. President Rod Hendrickson made the announcement that the Oakland Hoo-Hoo were going to stage a large Concatenation on Saturday evening, June 20'
William B. Jacoby, American Wood Working Machinery Co., will act as Chairman of the Day at the June 11 meeting. The second meeting in June, will be in charge of Fred Holmes. Holmes Eureka Lumber Co.
Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Are Good Guessers
Walter Best, of the Southern California Hardwood Manufacturing Company, I os Angeles, provided a v!!Y Pl_e_asant hour-for the members of the Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Club, on May 28th, when he acted as chairman.

Walter is one of the most popular members of the Los Angeles group, is known by practically everyone in Southern- California, having been connected with his company for over twenty years, but it has taken the officers of the Club nearly a year to induce the modest, r'etiring gentleman to assume the chair for once. He did himself proud.
A questionnaire u'as passed around, a list of puzzling looking names, with instructions to fill in the name of a tree, at each line, corresponding in characteristics to the descriptive name on the corresponding line. A valuable prize was offered, and ten minutes was allowed on the fourteen names.
Dave \Moodhead won, with ten correct answers. The prize was a beautiful gold pencil.
Here is the list, you might try solving it before reading
(Continued on Page 50.)