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Sones Lumber Company Condudt Novel Contest
A Prize Essay Contest, for the best papeis submitted by Grammpr and- !{jSh ,Sghool s!u.dept.9 of Calexico, "The v I @rrllu4r Advantages.of Homi Ownership,'l won a great amount of favorabie'publicitv recently for the Sones Lumber Co.m- favorabie-'pubiicity fof Lumber 'Co.mpany.
on "The
- The contest was widely heralded in the Calexico newspapers, offerinp'tivo siits i,f'casti pnriles foi'the best papers, one group irr the grammar grades of the schools and'the 'other class open only to high school students.
' Hundreds of papers were submitted. 'The' judges were appointed by Mr. J. P. Siegel; manager of the Sones Lumbei Company, and-the papdrs were judged from all angles; woiding, oiiginality, penmanship, etc. The first prize in 'edch class was $25.00, second $15.00, third $7.50 and five prizes of $2.50 each.
The first prize winner was Bernice Rogers, a fifteen'year old high schgol girl, and the pape-r.is given herewith. 'trt is ,ieally a very'rernarkable piece of work.
In 3tudling the advantagcs of home ownership there are several vievpoints'to'be consideied; the advantages to,the individual, 'to .the family, to: the commnnity, to the.statc, and !o the nation. ;. ,. The advantages to the-individual and the family' may.be coriyenientl*.:condidered together, .ai they are,so inter--related as to bc almost inselarable. In acquiring hii own home the individual be-