2 minute read
Moistite anew waterpr.o sheathind b
There ig a wide market for Moistite. It can be used in new construction and ifr repairing old buildings. Farming districts likewise offer a large market.
Fred Goldin$ Presides at Los An$eles Hoo Hoo Meeting
Fred Golding, head of the Fred E. Golding Lumber C-ompanv. Los Anieles wholesalers, was chairman at the June i1 meeting of the Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Club.
There 'ti"t a good number of the boys- on hand to hear Dr. Ray Robinson, head of the Boys Work Committee of the Los Angeles Rotary Club, talk on-the Boys Work that is being doni in Southern California' He gave some figures and stitistics on juvenile delinquency that were surprising, telline the members of the high percentage of the crimes .o*to-itt"d by boys that are living in the better districts of the city and not in the poor settlements. The Rotary Club of Los Angeles, working with the University o{ Southern California, The Boy Scouts, Police Department, Board of Education and other bodies, is just completing a very complete survey that will show records of all juvenile crimes committed in the past ten years, giving them a basis to work on in their attempt to curtail the high rate.
Fred preceded the speaker with a short talk on boys' activitiei in the city, forty years ago when the present office building sites were apple orchards, and he told of the many pranks that he had participated in.
Waltei Best won the attendance prize, and W. G. Scrim was announced as chairman for the meeting of June 18.
Forests Open To Tourists This Summer
OfFcials Discuss Measures to be Taken for Preventing Heavy Fire Losses
National forests in California u'ill be open to the public this summer, follolving a closed season due to the excessive fire hazard of. 1924. Announcement of the lemoval of the barriers was made yesterday by Colonel W. B' Greeley, chief forester, of Washington, D. C. Orving to the heavy rains this season the first danger is much less than last year. In 1924 there rvere 315 fires up to June I; in 1925 the total was only forty-eight. Smoking may be prohibited in many sections of the forest area this year. Regulations may also be made restricting the building of campfires to certain prescribed areas.

Frank Curran On Vacation
Mr. Frank Curran, General Manager for the E. K. Wood Lumber Companies operations in Southern California, left Los Angeles on June 11th, accon.rpaniecl by Mrs. Curran, for a trvo weeks' fishing trip in the northern part of the state.
Likes To Spend The Money
"Please feel assurecl that the enclosed tlvo dollars is spent with less regret than any like amount checkecl out during the year. We also receive another National Lumber Journal and only glance through it occasionally but read the California Lumlter Merchant flom cover to cover. Ilore power to you.
"Eagle Rock Lumber Co. "E. F. Swanson."
New Yard For Santa Barbara
a yard at Santa Barbara, under the personal direction of tr{r. H. J. Alley, rvho r,vill make his home in that city.
New Yard At Los Angeles
The Cargo Lumber Company is opening a retail yarcl at 1660 West Manchester Avenue, Los Angeles, under the direction of Mr. R. W. Sprague.
It is reported that the new institution already has a large part of the trvo million foot stock that they will carry.
Business announcements on the morning of June 10 carried an item regarding the incorporation of a new lumber co,ncern, to be known as C. C. Tulian, Inc.
The capitalization is one milllon dollars.