2 minute read
B,r"irre"""Fru U.L" eri# What a pity, say some. But, after all, isn't'it a fact that period*fibf re-adjtibtment such as that from which Southern California business is now emerging are worth while? I
In times like the present, moral stamina, business ability, financial worth, goodwill-all phases of a growing concern are put to the supreme test. And that is good-especially for those to whom business is more than a mere scramble for dollars.
That the Weaver Roof Company forges ahead, booms and slumps regardlp"q; i" a' fact well known to everyone in the We You ftnou.
Weaver Roof Company
L. \teaver
The Southern Pacific Milling Company, San Francisc,o, is adding two more yards to their string, one at Pismo Beach and the other at Gonzales.
This will make sixteen yards operated by this company. They are now established at Santa Marareta, King City, San Lucas, San Ardo, Bradley, Paso Robles, Lompoc, Santa Maria, Soledad, San Luis Obispo, Templeton, Oceano, San Miguel, and Guadalupe, and the two new yards, at Gonzales and Pismo Beach.
Mr. Timothy Hopkins is President of the S. P. Milling Company, Mr. M. M. Gragg, Vice President and General Manager, W. H. Dollon, Secretary, and J. H. Kirk, Superintendent of yards.
San Fernando Dealers Meeii
The llst meeting of the San Fernando Valley Lumbermen's Club was held at San Fernando on the night of May 20th, with Mr. H. C. Clampitt in charge.
A number of matters discussed by the one hundred iir attendance, with a general note of good feeling and prosperity being sounded all through the meeting.
Entertain Burglars
The offices of the American Lumber Company, Los Angeles,-were entcred by burglars recently.
A. L. Crowe, menager of the company reported the attempt to the sherifi's -office, stating that'notfring had been taken.
Saw Service Stations
Sawmills, planing mills and woodworking factories havt seen a new service develop. Saw service stations are being established for the accommodation of users of saws anE Planer Knives. In these stations all kinds.of expert repair work is done and sar\rs are put in tip-top shapt for best cutting results. This special setvice is oiiered ln addition to quicker deliveries which can be made on new saws and planer knives carried in stock. The question of deliveries is often a most important one if mlll delays are to be avoided.
lflNmsnfnru{&fn GmiohrcAmmrm LOS ANGETES 8lO Loc'r Statc Building MAia 5620{21
The Simonds Saw and Steel Company was the first of thc large companies to recognize this demind for an improved and extended service and they promptly establishdd and havt now in full working order thirte-n -up-to-date servlce stations and repair shops. Thqy are located in the following cities: Boston, Mass.; rfr-g. cities:_Foston, M1ss.; New York City, Detroit, Mich.; Chicago, Ill.;- Memphis,- Tenn.;_New Orleans, La.; San rrrB crrrcs: -D(}sron, rytass.; Nevy IorK [retrolt, Ill.; Memphis, Tenn.; New drleans, Francisco, Cal.; Portland, Ore.; Seattle. Wash.: Montreel. Seattle, Wash.; Montreal,
Amcricu Inrtitutc of Accounttntr Natiolrl Arocietion of Cort Accountrntr
For DonLcy EngincrScricr 5-D
$.fl W-c ColrCtoo
Cd *..1 Itfr rd Erc.pd* r[t lba3 .Alro lldlda d 2, 4 lnd 6 Wt-l Trrilrr WEBER AUTO AT{D TRATLER WORrlT tSOd S.nb Fe Avu La AI.l-
Prarcnt Forcst Fires by Installing
The South Bend Spark Arrester
Derisned Right for EFFICTENCY Built Right for SERVICE Sold Right for ECONOMy
Deeigncd for ure on all makcr of rtcam engincr. Ask for Terms and prices
The South Bend Spark Arrester Co. _ __-Offi:" and Factory, 766 Savier St, portland, Orcgon California Agemta: W. H. WORDEN CO., San Fiancirco
For Loconotivc EngiacrScricr 5-L