7 minute read
What Proper Bryirg Connections
Mean to the Lurnber Dealer
HE retail lumber dealer who has I gained the confidence and steady patronage of the local lumber buyers ha-s more to his business methods than clever salesmanship.
Clever salesmanship has landed many a first order but it tak-es more than "first orders" to keep a business going along profitably.
' The retailer who holds his customers y€tr after year does it by taking uniformrly good care of their requirements. By :giving them prompt service on the types iand kinds of lumber they want and have ,been accustomed to using, with a good i measure of fair treatment and square dealing thrown in.
It isn't at all strange that retailers who operate on this basis expect as much from their buying connections as they give to their own contractor and ter customers.
These dealers long ago discovered the value of being rated as a good customer b-y u few responsible mills. That is why they are not half so much interested in tttransit carstt and "cheap pricestt as tF"y are in the concern that can supply them at the right time with uniform, Jale. able lumber.
\I fEYERHAEUSBR men are aware Y V of the obligations they owe to those dealers who look to'Weyerhaeuser Mills as one of their major sources of lumber supply. As eviddnce of this is the insistence by 'Weyerhaeuser officials on uniformity, high quality of manufacture, promptness in all transactions.
The debler who buys Weyerhaeuser lumber is entitled to receiv e 100% saleable stock. Every man in this organization knows that it is his business to see that these policies are carried o[t.
The W'eyerhaeuser salesman puts you in personal contact with this lumber service. He has the whole hearted backing of 15 mills cutting 15 species and shipping from 17 enormous sto.Cks. He is the personal representative of Weyerhaeuser officials and he takes pride in the fact that his mills will back him and his customers to the limit.
FIe isn't picked merely because he can sell, but because he knows the lumber business-because he is qualified to help you.
If you want to hnoa what this service means try out your localWeyefhaeuser man with an order the next time he calls.

General Offices: SPOKAN4 $TASHINGTON
Branch Offces ST.PAUL CHICAGO BALTIMORE NEW YORK 2694 University Ave. 2O8 S. ta Sdle St. 812 Lexington Bldg. 22oBtoadway
The Weyerhae*ser Sal* Company is the combined selling otganQatiott of the fuIloe.itrg Weyethaeuset Mills and Disttibuting Plants
AT the Emmett plant of the fI Boise Payette Lumber Company you will find many reasons for the fame and excellence of Boise Payette stock. Four substantial reasons are shown above.
From left to right John Atkins, Yard Superintendent; E. H. Barton, Plant Manager; H. Inman, Green Yard Foreman; Richard Johnson, Dry Yard Foreman.
All of these men are experienced, practical lumbermen-the type of men who are satisfied with theirwork onlywhen it is well done.
Below is shown an alley in the "Skyscraper" seasonin€ yard at the Emmett plant. They take great pride at this plant in the seasoning of their lumber, knowind as theydo that proper seasoning is a vital necessity if a good product is desired.
/.ncricrn Banlc Building, San Francieco Tclephonc Gerficld 129
Chickarew Brand Oak Flooring Elliott Bay Fir Panclr
Only c:clurivc wholcrale Hardwood conccrn on Pacific Coact
Southcrn-HARD WOODS-Northora Brucc Ork Flooring
Maplc Flooring l2l)9 Firrt National Bank BIdg. Tclcphonc Suttcr 2634
For Sale
(Continued from Page 47) the correct answers. Walter would like to hear from any lumbermen who can correctly name the fourteen trees.
1. Neatest-Spruce.
2. Sweetest-Sugar Pine.
3. Stickiest-Gum.
4. Nuttiest-Walnut.
5. Warmest-Fir.
6. Hottest-Ash.
7- Slickest-Elm.
8. Cruelest-Hickory.
9. Sandiest-Beech.
10. Fishiest-Basswood.
I l. Darkest-Ebony.
14. Largest-Redwood.
Fr.ed Golding won the attendance pri4e, another gold P,encjl, and then a professional car manipuiator entertained the boys with some mystifying tricks.
Spoor Invites Hoo Hoo to Spokane Concatenated Order of Hoo Hoo
508 Sherwood Building
Hoo-Hoo Club, presidents. Spokane' June 2nd' 1925'
Dear Brother Hoo-Hoo:-
"Spokane Hoo Hoo are having a lot of fun and are getting closer together than threl in a bed because of the work they are doing for the Annual. This leads to the announcement that it is still anybody's privi- lege next year to entertain the Annual -as up to now no City has been assigned this privitege.
Gcnuiac Mahogny
Veueerr-Flooring-Paneb l2ll0 Firrt Netionrl Bank Building
Telcphonc: Suttcr ll|9'll :: San Frencirco
Supcrior OeL Flooring, 'Amoricr'r Fincrt" Scad mc your inquiricr end ordctr
Tclcphonc Douglu 9ll?
Firrt Netionel BenL Buildia3 Sen Frencirco
and Sugar Pinc P. O. Ccder Rcdwood
Tclcphonc Garficld 36
Douglu Fir Sprucc
"Your City wants it and the best way to get it is to bring a delegation to the 34th Annual in Spokane in September and boost for it. fnduce other Clubs, who will wave in your favor, to bring their delegates and whoop for you, and so sell the other fellows on your Town as a Convention City. You-can't get it unless you go after it for there is goinf to be more keen rivalry to secure it this year than there was last.

"Now, let me say that this Annual is going to be unique in that you, our guests, will have an oppor- tunity, amid most comfortable surroundings, to visit and inspect the big Pine Operations in this vicinity, meet the operators, and when it is all over, which will be Thursday, Sept. 17th, you can board the train at night for the Coast, be there in the morning and find the Lumbermen there just as keen to show you the place to which you are gradually to come for your lumber supplies, as we will have been in showing you our Pine products. Believe me these Coast fellows are some entertainers, they are going to tell you from the Spokane rostrum that, 'You ain't seen nothing yet,' u{hich, of course, we will not agree to. But thlir invitation to 'Come and See' should not be turned down. You will always be glad you came to Spokane and went on to the Coast."
Fraternally yours,
D. S. Spoor, Chairman Publicity Committee.
"We have enjoyed THE CALIFORNIA LUMBER MERCHANT very much and have received mtich valuable information from its columns."
Jos P. Siegel, Sones Lumber Company, Calexico.

Simonds Co. Broadcasting
Augmenting the publicity program through the medium of trade journals and other publications, the Simonds Saw and Steel Company, "The Saw Makers," are now on the air.
According to an announcenient just made from the,rFitt[rburg, Mass., executive offices, a prog{am of orchestra 4usfu. and shorl talks by prominent forebtry officials is b,eing, given on Tuesday and Friday bvenings from Radio Station KTCL, located in Seattle, Wash., f.rom 7 to 8 o'clock. One of the best orchestras on the Pacific Coast plays during the "Simonds Hour." Ten minute talks will be eiven by W. G. Weigle, Supervisor of the Snoqualmie Natioinal Foig:,s,t; George C. Joy, Supervisor of Forestry for the State of Washington, and others.
KTCL is a very powerful station, and can be heard from Seattle to points far east on the Atlantic Coast, as far north as Alaska and south to Mexico.
The Simonds Saw and Steel Company believes this radiocast_ will be appreciated by men in th'i various camps and lumbering operations in the Pacific Coast section.
Five of Moore'slRevbrsible, Internal Fan Kilns have riust been- orderej! by the Otven-Oregon Lumtier Company at Medford. The buildings are now being construcled -and the new kilns will be ready for operati,on shorfly. Each kiln will be equipped with iutomatic humidity coitrol and will be modern in every particular.
This pla-nt has had five kilns in operation for some time, and two of them are of the Moore system. The additional five kilns now under construction will make a total of ten rooms.
They Make You Fit!
Climb through the timber-wade through the brush. you're dressed right, in Filson Laced Breeches of waterproofed khaki, with double front and seat. No loose pants-legs to flap and snag. Snappy in cut and well tailored. They're wind-proof, comfortabte, good looking. We know you'll like them I Give your waist measure.
c. c. FILSON CO.
llXf5-7 Firrt Avc. Scettlc, Werb.
Moreland Exports To Hawaiian Islands
Recently a shipment of Moreland trucks was made to Honolulu for the sanitary department for the Island of Oahu.
'. Other trucks equipped with six cylinder engines were delivered to the Island of Maui, for carryins Un-ited States mail. Sid cylinder engines were rspecifredfor speed and power..'; :

It is gratifying to Californians to see a Southern fornia product holding its own in foreign countries, cially.countries bordeiing the Pacific, ii.competition all other makes of tfucks.
Caliespewith it I , \i ':
.Pe.ople do not-seem to realize the extent of manufacturing which is carried on in California. Recently visitors frori Hawaii visited the Moreland plant at BurbanL and expressed th.eir great surprise at the local manufacturigg facilities. They never before saw foundries'equipped wi-th electric furnaces for.fhe production of steel castiirgs. Another part which greatly interisted them was the transmrsslon manu- facturing and gear heat-treating department. If more Cali- tgmia'manufactufers would acquaint users in this as well ds in other states with the goodl produced here, California madegoods would increase at an even more rapid rate than hitherto. , i, jr.
Lqadership. in the a1t]gal consumption of gypsum-cen- the manufacturers of the product. During.the p.as! year i total of approximat"ti SOlOOOpo6 square teet ot the product was utilized in Southern Cali_ fguare of util Cali-
":q-_..o:.ry- rrr Lrrc drtrlual consumptron oI gypsum tered plaster lath is rapidly being assumed by Los An and Southern Californla. according to the rinotf of ( Lrrcq prasf,er laf,n raptoly berng by Los Angeles California, to the report of d. O Goerz, member of the General Corimittee of Flaster Board Industries, representing product. fornia.