1 minute read
We donttrecommend such abuse -but Laminex will stand itl
"\T /HAT IS the most frequent cause of door troubles?" we VV asked three thousand architects and contractors. "Varping --due to hanging doors in freshly plastered buildings," they replied almost unanimously. No matter how careful builders are in this regard, thoughtless workmen do jeopardize doors by premature hanging!'
But such treatment cannot warp or twist Laminex, other than raising the grain-for it is the door that has undergone the famous water test at the University of Washington and scores of equally decisive tests throughout the country !
Laminex is a built-up door made of old-growrh Douglas fir-a beautiful door as well as a trouble-proof one. You can choose Laminex in a varietv of beautiful models-and with flat grain throughout, or with vertical grain siiles and rails.
You can cash in on the demand that has been created by Laminex national advertising in the Saturday Evening Post and other magbzines by using our complete dealer help plans, which we will be glad to send on request. We will also send an actual sample of Laminex wood so you can make the famous Laminex water test yourself. Leading door jobbers carry Laminex.
TIIE WHEELE& OSGOOD COMPANY, Tacona, Walhinsto! Sales Offica: NruYorA, Membhis, Los Anteles, San F ranc isco, Shokane, London, EngLand, Chicago