3 minute read
ItIsn't Every Merchant
Bg Jack Dionne
,_,, I, isn't every mer_chant-that can go -ogt in the highways and the by-ways and offer hls stock and service for sale to Tom, Dick, Harry, and th6 rest of the 6oys.- tne otner tellow. tle rs suggesting a wonderful INVESTMENT, and not an pXppttsp.
__. T_h: clothing.merchant can't step out on the sidewalk and grab a man by the arm and say: "Look here, Joe, that- two year-old suit of yours lools old and stiabby, and doesn't do justice to your good looki and shape; drop in here a few minutes and let me drape your form with something that will give the gahg an eyefull."
The shoe merchant hasn't a chance on earth to seize a passer-by, and suggest: ..My lt:,":9 those brogans yo_u have on belong on the top shelf "iiir, trt" !olJ;i":-hii"y "r"rrit ::1ig_-9a." any more. Someon_e-may take-you for q bum if you don't dfess yourieet up better. come into my store and let me make your foundatioirs look like someone some- where was interested in them."
The haberdasher{.Aa-n might-get b-umped off if he laid hands upon a man in front of his store and said: "Old timel, th-ose frayid cuffs aren't being worn ^itti" """ro". Smooth ed8e cu{-s are all the rage. That shirt looi<s like the moths Ead held a carnival in it. Where did you- get that iick looking necktie? You can't win homes with those sort of tres. 'r'hat collar should-go to the ash-heap, and_your last year's straw hat won't give *"_:_tl_" l"_"! "l prosperifu that you- need- in order to win 'confidett"", "tra ."ri tttlit.. Drop in to my store a little while, and let me make a new man of you."
And lots of other merchants operate under the same lack of advantage that these do. They caT advertise, and- they cal qF9 care of the buyer's needs when hE shows up, but they can't. C-o.oulgjeb him, and call his attention to-his shortcoming" ".4 iltg;li i-: provements that THEY can furnish.
__-,-,-Bua the building me-rchant CAN. He can do it with good grace, with good manners, wrth- g_ood judgment, and can be assured of a good recepti,on. He can go io a man as a good_Samaritan, with a lot of useful ideas for tTre other feilow's benefit. -H;;;;r not as one desiring to criticise, but as one wishing to BENEFIT.
-_-,.^ T_:--"-"1 grab his prospe_ct by- the_arm and say: *Joe I want to show you and your Y:1" "-9i" home plans and ideas that I have at. py offit9. I'll come out to ihe house any ttP: yl say, bring my stuff and discuss my-ideas with you, or I'll meet you at my offici :ITt-", I can show you many interesting building things. I believe f can convince you tnat there was never.a time when you could better afford to build your future home than lig-h! ""Yt and I am in_ position to lhow you home plans that cost no more than an old fashioned-house, yet wi[.be so delig_htful-in appeara'nce, comfort, etc., thaa tht;ill make all your friends gree.n.with envy. l_can furnlih you the plans, the ideas, tfre building material, and the building-seivic.e. I can go all the way tlirough with you, and see that you get the home you select. Let's talklt over."
No trouble about that sort of merchandising, is there? No danger of intruding on the other fellow when you talk that way.
And he can do the same thing all along the-{ine. The lumber merchant can go to the man whose home needs painting, and riake his paint talk, show his paint tardi advance some color schemes, and quote on the paint jbb.
Ffe can do the s.ame thing with- regard to barns and other buildings, with home im- provements of all kinds, in fact, withlverything he sells.
He can make out his prospect list and work it over the year around.
No indeed ! It isn't every merchant by a whole lot who has the selling opportunity that the lumber merchant has. There ars still lots of lumber merchants-*f,6 ao t ot USE such opportunities, but there are worlds of them who DO. And those who DO. prosper.
You can b.ty at least as much satisfactory LUMBER and SERVICE for a dollar from us as you c.an anJrwhere on earth.
And THE OTHER KIND of rroterials and service you can't get from us at any price.