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behind the' "Redfiooa Home ptenC;"9'6i?if<: See how it fosters the all-wood home idea.
There are four diqtinct f,eatures in the home plan service now offerecl you and your customers by dh. California Redwood Association.
(1) A free broadside which dealers have sent out to stimu_ late interqst in the plan book and al[-wood homes. .
,(2) ,The plan:bo9k yhiglr,cgntains 2i,all-wood trorne {e_ sig11 o-f,.qa$iiul{r mbrit-every design the work', of a certified California architect.
(3) Complete plans and specifications for each of the Z2 designs at nominal prices. Any contractor can build from the drawings and specificitions provided.
(4) The entire service on a less than cost basis. The books .are sold to you at less than they cost us. The pr ce 'paid for thi phns and specific"fior,., less the .oit oi blue-printing, g:oes to the originating architect.
our.entire pqrpose has,bsen to stimulate the building of all-wood hornes of architectural merit-homes so appealing that others riho see them will build also of Redwood.
Make full use of this.senice to your own profit.