1 minute read
By lach Dionnc
Age not guaranteed-Some
I have
2O j€ars-Some less.
A General Sheridan War Story
Here is one that was told to me when I was just a little boy, by a dear lady who was closely related to the Federal cavalry officer, General Phil Sheridan, and who loved to tell stories about him.
General Sheridan was famous for his physical and mental "pep," as we call it nowadays, and for the forcefulness of his speech, which was frequently profane, when under strong pressure.
One day his detachment of cavalry were making a forced march under the red-hot Southern sun, and by the middle
Frank Burnaby Goes East
Mr. Frank Burnaby, head of the Sun Lumber Company, Beverly Hills and Ventura, left Los Angeles on June 4th. for a three weelis visit in Chicago.
Probably celebrating his recent "hole-in-one," at the Los Angeles Country Club.
of the afternoon the vigilance of the lesser officers had relaxed to such an extent that the men had begun "strag. gling," in bad order.
And about that time Sheridan came bounding down the line on a big black horse, pulled up suddenly at the side of the column, and shouted in stentorian tones that could be plainly heard from a hundred yards in each direction:
"Close up ranks ! D-n you, close up ranks I If the Rebels rpere to fire at you now when you were straggling along this way, they couldn't hit a D--n one of you ! Close up ranks !"
Blake David Company Build New Plant At North Portland
Blake David Company have recently purchased the factory formerly.operated by the West Coast Box Factory at North Portland, but have added a new Moore progressive dry kiln 104 ft. long. This plant is now in operation.