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Here is a Philippine hardwood with all the rich grain of Mahogany but of a whiteness of texture that simplifies color schemes and at a price that simplifies the cost problem.
C adwallader - Gibson Co., I nc.
Owning and operating our own MiIk in Luzon, we guarantee unifotm quality.
Pacific Coast Headquarters
Carl Libbey Acting In A New Role
days calling on the trade in the Peninsula territory together with Jimmrie Atkinson, their Pensinsula representative. He spent a few days at the company's San Francisco Office, where he conferred with Ed. Garland, San Francisco Manager of the Charles R. McCormick Lumber Co.
Mark, who ranks rather high as a golfer with the Portland lumbermen, had his golf sticks along and was ready to show the San Francisco Office crowd how the game of golf should be played. He had heard where Charlie Wilson of the Chas. R. McCormick Co. had won the Hoo Hoo Golf Tournament at the Claremont Country Club, so Charlie rvas the only man that he would consent to play. Just before Mark returned to the Northwest, he admitted that Charlie Wilson plays a good game of golf for a country boy.
Here we have Carl Libbey, popular manager of the Reclwood operations of McKay & Co. at Eureka, acting in the role as the proud daddy of his six months old daughter, Mary Libbey. Carl wai a recent San Francisco visifor at the offices of McKay & Co.. and as this was his first visit in the Bay District -since the arrival of little Mary, he rvas a very busy man telling his many friends of the wonderful achievements of his young daughter. Little Mary is sure a bright and husky little youngster and 1\'e don't blame Carl for looking so happy.
Mark D. Campbell, connected lvith the rail department of the Charles R. McCormick Lumber Co., with headquarters in Portland, was a recent California visitor where he spent two weeks on business. He accompanied O. L. Russum, the company's San Joaquin and Sacramento \ralley representative, over his territorr- and also sDent a {eu.
Emerson Phillips, formerly a student at the University of Minnesota, has returned to California and is now connected with the Burlingame Lumber Co. at Millbrae. He rvill assist his brother, E. E. Phillips, in the management of this retail lumber concern.
D. K. Edwards of Fresno. has purchased the Linn Planing Mill at Salinas. He is installing some new machinery and expects to start operations about June 10. Mr. Edrvards was fortnerly Secretary-Treasurer of the Fresno lfoo Hoo Club.