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Beautiful New Bungalow Book
The above is a reproduction of tl.re three color cor-er of a ne\\' one hundred page bungalorv book just issued for the dealers, by the Lurnberrnen's Service Association, Flovcl A. Dernier, I.os Angeles.
This latest addition to the various forms of serr-ice given bv these people is r.nuch larger, more complete and is in every way a large improvement on the forrner issnes, ancl is being handed manv compliments bv tl-reir clients.
Forrest Wilson, Bal.' District representative of the f,ittle River Rechvood Company, is getting the Hoo-Hoo ball players in San Francisco and the Bay District together to organize a ball team to represent Hoo-Hoo Club No. 9. The first call for practice rvill be made soon, and an;: llooHoo members who are proficient on the ball field and knorv "what it is all about" should get in touch with Forrest Wilson. The Bay District boasts of sorne fine base-ball talent and it looks as though a strong team rvill step on the field under Hoo-Hoo Club No.9 colors. Forrest Wilson is now trying to arrange some games for the Club team and at an early date the first garne of the season rvill be played.