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Important is the choice of lumber in home building
Seven Jrears ago, with one primary purpose in mind, The Long-Bell Lumber Company made its decision to trade-mark the lumber and timbers it produced: To give the builder a means of identifying maximum lumber value as against "just lumber."
Long-Bell products have been sold and used in constantly increasing volume because its production has maintained that standard of maximum value which justifies the manufac' turer's name on every piece.
The choice of lumber is important. It goes into homes and buildings which must stand the buffets of time without undue depreciation. Durable construction demands good lumber.
To give such lumber values, exacting production standards are followed in all LongBell plants. From the first woods operations on, the aim of every. skilled workman is maximum building value. Today, with its advantageous experiences of fifty years in the business, the company produces trade-marked lumber and timbers dependable for the best construction.
The trade-mark is your guide to good lumber.
Grade Marking North European Lumber
From an Address by Axel H. Oxholm f nasmuch as present conditions in Russia have suppressed private enterprise in the lumber export trade it ls not necessary to consider that country in connection with the g-rade marking of lumber. Nearly every piece of lumber from N-91w_aV, Sweden and Finland ihipped by respons-ible mills is grade marked. If occasionafly a deviation from this policy occurs the same reasons apply as in cases where manufacturers of other goods cuitomarily grade marked are,desirous of not disclosing their identity.
I North Europe, comprising Scandinavia, Finland and Russia, is the most important source of softwoods in the international lumber trade, the normal annual exports amounting to approximately seven billion feet. This lumber is shipped all over the world.
The grade marking of lumber has been carried on for nearly a hundred years in those countries and may truly be
For 18 Ycan
..CHICKASAW BI!11qPII OAK FLOORING har beco a rtandard of Gnde{uality-Manuf acture
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