1 minute read
ilemphis Hardwood
Floori ng Go, Memphis,Tenn.
And Dirtributed By said to be the backbone of their lumber export trade. There are several reasons for this grade marking system:
1.. The shipper believes irrthe quality oT his product and is willing to give it a stamp of gubrant-ee.
2. The advertising feature of the brands is extremely important, both to sh--ippers ancl distributors.
3. The shipper having exercised due care in the manufacturing and grading oi his product is anxious that the rrltimate consumer should receive the quality for which he pays. .The grade marking positively eliminates any tamper- ing with the grades and to be doubly sure it is often iustomary to grade mark lumber at both ends.
Day Dreaming By A Night Watchman
To begin with, picture a prosperous, well-established sash, door and cabinet shop properly housed in two modern well-constructed one and three-story mill brick buildings of the latest type, divided into five separate areas wiih standard cut-off from boiler room. all of which are under good ,public protection with very good private protection, namely water. barrels and pails, ample approved chemical extinguishers well distributed and stand pipe and hose. All of this being under the supervision of careful management, particularly as related to fire prevention.
Then again, picture a cold, frosty morning at approximately _5 o'clock with the watchman trundling a bjrrel of refuse from the factory to the boiler house preparatory to starting a fire in the steam boiler. Having filled the-fire box -to a large degree the watchman procee-ds to leave the fire box door open and wheel anothei barrel full of refuse directly in front of this open fire box. The watchman is standing with his back to the open fire box in front of the wheel barrel with perhaps visions of a warm meal, home comforts and a well-earned sleep. A back draft sets the wheel barrel of refuse on fire, which in turn rudely disturbs the watchman's reflections, he becoming aware of the fire when the seat of his trousers becomes scorched. He did. however, immediately proceed to ring an alarm on a watch box, which brought the firemen in quick time, and they, also feeling the effects of a chilly morning, proceeded to-warm themselves by chopping a hole in the -roof, breaking the skylight, cutting through the shavings vault and rem6ving all asbestos.and magnesia, covering from the steam powei piqg., together with considerable bf the lagging ovir the boilers.
The lesson in the foregoing is that watchmen are not firemen and firemen are not -watchmen.-N. W. Mutual Fire Assn. Bulletin.
The Santa Cru, Lumuf,ltlit Santa Cruz, have purchased the plant of J. H. Sinkinson & Son at Santa Cruz. The Santa Cruz Lumber Co. will continue the operation of their _new plant in conjunction with their generll retail lumber business.