6 minute read
tion, and utilization of minor species are among subjects of current interest concerning which differences of opinion are likely to arise from variations in locality and lack of comprehensive investigation.
To dssure impartial and constructive study along lines of advantage to industry and public alike, th:e .o*l*itt.. has eniployed the research department of the Western Forestry and Conservation Association to make a pre: liminary survey and suggest'further ,steps. Norman G. Jacobson, in charge of this department,'.which conducts Imillr investigations for lumber companies.throughout the Pacific Coast, is now in the field visiting varfing pine flpes- and operations and u'ill be joined latir by E. T. Allen, forester in charge for the five-state association. To further assure impartial insight into all problems and to promote their cooperative solution, S. B. Show, the California research authority of the Forest Service, wa5 invited to accompany Jacobson and contribute the Government vlewpolnt.
After receiving the recommendations resulting from this survey, the pine association will determine the nature and extent oJ any more detailed study that appears urgent and practicable, either independently or in-iooperation with other suitable agencies.
Saturday Evening, June 20, 1925.
Los Angeles
Phone HUmboldt 2652
Following the Concatenation, there will be a "Session on the Roof" where a Buffet Luncheon will be served and an excellent entertainment given. A big time for everybody. Be there sure. Tickets $1.50 Per Plate.
Committee on Arrangements
Chairman-Milton Hendrickson
Frank Parker Hugh W. Hogan
Harry Call Joe Z. Todd
Ord,er tlu blue print plans and art cut, then adaertise this home in gour local paper.
froop Di-xr lZZa
Wc have just arranged with a competent plete ready to occupy for $4,000.00, and uee contractor to build this home for you comdurable, dependable materials throughout. plans, see hand-colored picture, and let ue tell
Come to our office, inspect the detailed you all about this exceptional offer.
Your Name
Your Town
Creators of Modern Merchandising Service for Lumbermen.
B. E. Bryan, Secretary of the Strable Hardwood Company, Oakland, has been elected Secretary of the 'San Francisco Hardwood Club, succeeding Felix Richards, who has resigned. Mr. Richards was the recipient of a beautiful Silver Platter from the Club members in appreciation of his past services as Secretary.
W. T.
On European Trip
W. T. White, President of White Brothers, San Francisco Hardwood Distributors, has left on a EuroDean tour. He will return to San Francisco in the fall. During his absence, C. Harry White, Vice-President and General Manager, will be at the helm of the company's large hardwood operations.
Dry Kiln and Living Room!
Two chambers. widelv difierent in character, yet whenthe kiln operates correctly. the living room benefrts directlv. For it ie the scientific kiln drying oI oak llooring,stock which playe sucn an rmportant part in the ultimate eppearance oI the finished floor oI the living room. Kiln drying as applied toour fl ooring stock is an EXACT SCIENCE. Specimena lrom each truck load ol oak are LABORATORY tegted while iD the procese oI drying. Our expert deternines and regulates the precise degree ol moisrure content which obt"i.s when stock leaves the kilns. Thus we insure an €t act chemical condition which we koow by long experience to be a pr:eventive against buckli'rg or cupping in the finished
Meaac fu norc theo rcrely oal lloon. It is indcd AMERICA'S FINEST beeuc wery stcp ia production, com.ncing with the selectioa of unilon timber groylh. ir nken with analytiel prcqirion ud minute care. Our evertrowine liar olPERMANENT cusroien i; the belr evidcnce that our painr a; jdiifue.
Alay we quote on lour nqt carload?
Superior Oak Flooring Company

Helena, u{rkaasas
Paclfic Caad Rcpt qc^t aalo@
R. A. BROWN,6046 Carlor Ave,. Loa Anceles ,WM. BEEBE,259 Fint Nat'l Bank Bldg., San Francirco
The Function of Plan Books
Too many dealers get the idea that by buying a set of plan books and stowing them away on the shelf somewhere, they have done something that should bring them in a lot of home building business.
Not at all; A plan book is NOT an Aladdin's lamp, that needs only be possessed and rubbed, to bring forth the golden dollars. They must not be considered or used as such.
The plan book is to help you create the DESIRE for a certain home, and furnish an IDEA concerning a home, but the actual SELLING has to be done by the merchant.
The man who gets the most results from plan books is not the man who considers how much the books cost and therefore how much he must get out of them but rather the man who considers what the plans and ideas are actually rvorth to him in modern merchandising; who uses these plans to demonstrate the finished condition of the stock of rnaterial he carries.
The Buswell Lumber Co. of Portland, Oregon, have opened San Francisco offices located in the First National Bank Building. E. W. Kent, well known Northwest lumberman formerly located at Seattle, will act as manager of the San Francisco office. Walter Buswell of the Portland office was in San Francisco for a few weeks, assisting Mr. Kent in getting their new offices started. The Buswell Lumber Co. specialize in California White and Sugar Pine.
Some Lumber Industry F'i€,ures
The lumber industry consumes about one-third of the wood content annually removed from the forest by industrial or natural processes. It directly employs most of the persons classified as engaged in the forest base industries -about 800,000 out of 1,100,000. The annual out-put of the lumber industries-norv about 35,000,000,000 board feet or enough for three million all-lumber cottages-is valued at about $1,600,000,000; and the manufacturing group adds about as much more.
The total investment in timber and lumber manuJacturing plants is probably $8,000,000,000; which is not very far from 40 per cent of the valuation of the entire American railway systems.
Crude forest products alone pay more than $400,000,000 in annual freight revenue to the railroads. It has been calculated that the wealth they yield supports about one-tenth of the American people. If this be true they are the fundamental industry next to agriculture.
From the standpoint of housing, the lumber industry is supreme. About 80 per cent of the American people live in lumber-built houses or houses in which lumber is an essential structural part. Practically every dwelling house and most of the business edifices contain some lumber. Railways require large quantities of lumber for cars, railway bridges, and other structures, docks, wharves, trestles, platforms, etc., as well as enormous quantities of crossties, poles and piling. Round timbers are indispensable to mining operations. Wood was about the only fuel known to men until 200 years ago and about one-third of all the wood removed from American forests makes fuel. It is an important part of the domestic fuel of a large part of our population.
The pulp and paper industry ranks next to lumber as a forest industry. It employs approximately 150,000 persons and its output is valued at $80O,000,000 annually. More than nine-tenths of all our paper comes from wood pulp. As paper has become one of the indispensable commodities of civilized life it has created a new dependence on the forests. All efforts to find some other practical and adequate source of cellulose have failed, and are likely to continue to fail. When it is considered how essentially paper enters into every general form of knowledge dissemination, instruction and record. it mav be said that our civilization could not be maintained without the uulp that comes from the trees.
Lumber From Ore. and Wash. Has Dry Rot, Says Speaker
Information of rather an unusual nature was absorbed by the members of the Burbank Rotary club at a recent meeti.rg. It consisted of information as to how to prevent dry rot in buildings, and the information was passed along by Ralph Holler, of Meier and Holler, Los Angeles contractors and builders.
The dry rot in lumber is a fungus disease and all of the lumber from Washington and Oregon, according to Mr. Holler, which finds its way to Southern California has been "exposed" to the disease and only needs the proper environment to cause it to develop and cause the timbers in buildings to rot. After it once gets started it operates like a cancer and spreads out over the entire building, causing the timbers to degenerate and fall to pieces. The disease develops only in air-tight places. Hence the cure, or rather the prevention of the development of the disease naturally lies in proper ventilation.
Nobody thinks of treating a Ecreen door carefully. Scores of times every day it's "slarn!" open a1{ s[s1-1he haidert use any part of the house getr.
Hipolito Screen Doors are built to with' stand that usage. The eturdy ttcorhers of strength"-1he selected California Sugar Pine-the special wire cloth held under even tension-dl help the Hipolito Screen Doorr to endure.
Dealers, contractoro, builders all find that Hipolito Screen Doort are rold at a price to meet competition and yet give the bert door money can buY.