1 minute read
"Woody" Sells Mountain Cabins
A string of heavy trucks filing up the City-Creek and Mill-Creek roads, each week, into Big Bear and Arrowhead Lake regions, attests to the soundness of the very original and productive innovation instituted by the Woodhead Lumber Company, Los Angeles, in their latest Mountain Cabin Department, just established.
The mountains of Southern California, along with the available level spaces, are being subdivided, hundreds of mountain lovers are looking to the beautiful spots in the above named valleys for their summer homes, and it was with this in mind that J. P. Canfield, in the Architectural Department, and J. M. Chase, Sales Manager for the company, devised the division of their business that has proven highly profitable.
They have developed plans for eight stock models of cabins, all suitable for this region, have determined prices on each model, in various sizes, quoting the prospect an F. O. B. price, at his lot.
The folder that they issued gives all of these prices, gives a complete description of the materials to be used, and gives the approximate shipping weight. All models are well built, the list prices include all necessary materials; shingles, T&G partitions, drain board, wall-boards, sash, doors and all hardware.
The cut at the top is a reproduction of the inside of the folder, showing, in a very attractive manner, the practical use of these cabins.
Mr. Chase has stated that the department has been profitable from the start, and that the company feels well paid for the necessary promotion work.
ATTHOUGH you now meet him for the fust time, you have known him fot years by his worksthe uniformity in grades of California IThite Pine and California Sugar Pine, no matter from what associaiion mili your lumber comes.
"Cal" Pine is head of the oftcial inepection force which covers all the dills, directing and insructing the seven ilssoqatron rnspecors, wno, tn ttun lnstruct and check the daily work of a great corps of certified mill graders.
A lifetime of experience-first in the eastand lake sections, and now here in C:lifornia-yearsof gradingandinspection of soft pine lumber-these are the qualificationsthat have made "Cal" Pine what he is-rle gaardiax of tbe grada! "Cal" Pineknows lumber. He spgaks with authoriry in language you u-nderstand. Under his leadership. everv vear the users of more ttr"n a 6iilion 'arid a halffeet of California Pines are assured of a uniformly graded product from all the mills in this Association-r.
Guardian of the Grades
California $7hite and Sugar Pine Manufacruf,ers Association
ese Call Building . San Francisco <-{hopodacm