1 minute read
"So the People May Knory"
The Indiaivs
Had Homes That Showed the Lack of Expert Buildittg Service
Living in simple wigwams, and having no one to concult as to how to build better homes, they had to be content with a mere shelter.
You Can Profit by Our Building Sen'ice
If you are going to build a houee, or garage, our arsistance of helpful ruggeations about how to avoid waste, cut cortc and improve aF peatrancer, chould proye very valuable to you. It cocts nothing td come in and talk the matter over.
Direct from the forestr, comer the Lumber in our yardr, inruring you the firrt gradc in whatever you may need.
It alro enables us to quote lower prices, bccaure our colt ie leu than if wc wene to buy from indircct rourGes.