2 minute read
Hipolito Company Has Efficient Organization
There are a great many business executives who look at other businesses, usually gigantic concerns, and marvel at the efficiency of operation, but knowingly shake their heads, firmly convinced that such methods are not applicable to their own businesses.
To many the'idea of correlating the utmost efficiency in operation with ihe manufacture of window screens and sc.reen doors wortld appear more as a dream than a reality. Yet L. M. Rosenberg and H. L. Rosenberg, executives of the Hipolito Company, have done this very thing.
This company manufactures window screens and screen doors with a minimum of handling and accomplishes this by using the latest and best woodworking machinery obtainable, much of which is specially designed. Likewise the product is scientifically routed through the plant, making operations follow in logical sequence.
When one views the Hipolito Company's plant the lumber is seen entering at one end and at the other a constant stream of completed window screens emerges-upwards of 1500 window screens being their daily capacity.
In the manufacture of rvindow screens the Hipolito Company exercises great care in maintaining the high quality of their product, Only air cured California Sugar Pine is used because experience proves this to be the best lumber for the purpose where non-rvarping and non-shrinking is desirable.
Upon enterting the plant the lumber is first cttt to size and is passed along to the "sticker" where it is run through. Next it passes to the mortising machines ancl is finalll' assembled.
are thoroughly sanded and ready for ing the factory.
before leav-
It is apparent that such care in handling results in two marked advantages:-First, exceptional economy in manu-. facture, and second, the maintenance of a high and uniform quality.
Hipolito window screens and screen doors have become so favorably known that the company now has the distinction of being the largest manufacturers of window screens and screen doors in all Southern California.
Hipolito window screens are being used on many large public institutional and school buildings, as well as on private homes of palatial character. The wonderful thing, however, is that the economies of manufacture have made Hipolito window screens and doors available for sm'all homes where price must be considered.
The Los Angeles Investment. Company is one of the large users of Hipolito products, and every home which this concern has built in Fairview Heights is equipped rvith Hipolito window screens and screen doors.
With service in mind the Hipolito Company has developed the idea of stock sizes of rvindow screens and doors to a point rvhere they are constantly able to make prompt'
Hipolito rvindow screens are unique in the efficient manner in which they are assembled. The corners of the window screens are scientifically mortised and have become widely known to the tracle as "Hipolito Cor'ners of Strength." The double galvanized screen rvire cloth is applied under even tensiou and is not tacked, but rolled into grooves under the flush moulding. All Hipolito windorv screens and screen doors mllst pass 5 inspections and shipments of all stock sizes. The maintenance of a large stock eliminates the delays so common in rvaiting for winclo'rv screens to be macle. It also enables the retail lumberman to carry a stock and furnish his trade sizes that rvill fit *.ithout being rvorked over to size.
The Hipolito Company is an example of what efficiency rvill do for a business and the gror,vth of the company bears out the philosophy of the essayist and poet rvho r,vrote of the,world making a beaten path to the door of the man who made a better motlse trap-but the officials of the Hipolito Company realize that truthful advertising, well planned, not only paves the path after it is made, but bring5 the path all the sooner, and then keeps the world coming.