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Latest Northwest Lumber Statistics
Seattle, Wash., July 13.-Due to the customary midyear repair season and July Fourth holiday, lumber prod.uction west of the Cascade Mountains in Oregon and Washington dropped 33/a below normal for the week end.ing July 8th. One hundred and twenty-three mills reporting to 'West Coast Irumbermen's Association manufacturedr 54,544,318 feet of lumber, a decrease of. 25,976,682 feet compared with the previous week.
New business totaled 67,145,564 feet or a decrease ot t7 /o compared with the previous week. New business, however, was 23/o above production.
Shipments at 56,497,776 feet d.ecreased Al/e comparcd, with previous week. Rail shipments dropped ofr. 46%. Of total shipments, 45/o moved by water, including 20,038,028 feet coastwise and intercoastal and 5,163,148 feet export. Rail shipments were 1,043 cars as against 1,g43 cars for the previous week.
Unfilled rail trade ord.ers arc 7,217 cars; unfflled domegtic cargo ord.ers are 111,761,660 feet, and unfilled export orders 60,863,728 feet.
For the 27 weeks of the eurrent year, mills reporting to 'West Coast Lumbermen's Association have manufactured 2,766,947,740 feet; aecepted business totaling 2, feet; and shipperl 2,139,462,305 feet.
This wire was signed by Robert B. Allen, Secretary-Mqgp ager, The 'West Coast Lumbermen's Association. .,,;1,$