2 minute read
Expressions rr
"Right ofi the bat we are for you IOO/o. You heve tbe roat rtufi that a lumbeman wantr wben he latlcr down in a cosy chair after 3uPper at HOMB pipe percolatinS, md the trial balance a thing of ttc part. Occasionally a fellow getr a BIG KICK. We got one out of the fintigue of TllE CALIFORNTA LUMBER MEFCHANT, ro t? be in linc for mtny morcr wc are enclodng our rubccription. ln thc mcantimc wc are 'p,,llingr the raw for yor4 not 'riding.t tt (Stgned by both Jack M. Whibcy, Prer., and Kcnneth A' Lymb of the Jack M. Whibcy Lrmb€r Co., Hrmtington Bcacb cd.)
"Havhg received thefir3t irsue of Jack Dionnefr 'Sp€cidr' we enclore $2 and will thank you to rend it right along. We have nev€r becn without THE GULF COAST LI,TMBERMAN, and wc predict thit will be ar good or even bettcr help." (Wm. Killcn, Forworth'Killen Lunbcr Co.' Turcon, Ariz.)
"We anticipatcd the sucicelc of your California paper from the start, not becaure of the publication or tihe loca' tion or the necesity, but rimply becaurc of tbe dynamic fonce bcbind the proporition." (A- J. Warter, Gray Lunber and Sbinglc Co., Seattle' Warh.)
t'I arn vcr5l much pleared with tbe 6rlt ircuc. It rvar great.tt (A. J. Rurell, Santa Fe Lrmber Co., San Fran' circo.)
'nYc receivd the 6rrt it$r and dcrivcd gre.at plcarure from itr contcntr. We rincerely hope that THE C.ALIFORNIA LUMBER MERCHANT bar manv vcarl of ruccerrful publication." (Routt Lumbcr Company, Frcno, Cd') qtrc dh you evcry tuccett' and will help you dl we c!D.D (Bnorvn & Daurcr Co., Brea, Cal.)
"lYe havc jurt rcccivcd the 6ret ircue of THE CALI' F1ORNIA LLffBER MERCHANT and it certablv ir a dody." (Conell \ilood Pnoductr Co., Cbicago' Ill.)
"Hcrc'r widdng cvety luscqrl to THE CAUFORNIA ttThe writer wi*€t to congratulate you on your journal, for, in our opinioq you howledge of ralermanrbip and of tte tumber indurtry at large, cornbined witrh your emthuriarm, will no doubt be of grcat bencfit to ttore in thir preferred burincr." (L M. Slade, Slade Lumber Company, Lor A,ngcler and San Francirco.) ttWe trurt ttat your expectationr will bc nore than redizcd in your new yenture." (Noah Adanr Lumber Co.l Oakland, Cd.) ttl writc to conpliment you on the firrt ircue. It b a vety good peper and one which will be read from covcr to coYcr by Cdifornia Dealen." (J. C. Ferger, Frerno, Cal., Preridcnt lVcetcrn Retail and dro San Joaquin Vdley Lunbcr Asrociationr.)
LUMBER MERCHANT, a paper whhh has been long needed in thil'territory.t' (R. A. Brown, Burton'Beebe Lunbcr Co., Loe Angelerr Cal.)
"We received the firet of THE CALIFORNIA LLTMBER MERCIIANT and it mort certainly net our cvety expcctation, and needlers to mention, appears to be the only tcal lumber journal that Caliifomia bas ever had." (Frank Paranrino, Paramino Lumber Co., San Francirco, Cal.)
"The fint isue of THE CALIFORNIA LUMBER MER' CIIANT war rcceived a few dayr ago and in the fir* place we want to congratulate you o.n the wonderful publication you havc tuned out. We feel that thir journal will fill a tong fclt want in California." (Geo. H. Calditr' Centrel Lumber & Fuel Co., Santa Crua Cal.)
"Accept hea*y congratulationr on the firet irsue of THE CALIFORNIA LLTMBER MERCHANT. It ir a credit to you and to thorc who hdped you put it over. The two frie articlcr by tbe ladier ale a rmique innovation. I venturre to ray you have found it wortrh the hip from Texas to dircover two ruch tdcnted lnd charming tadi€s ae Mrr. Conner of Sacranento, and Mir Brey of Porteryille. Your paper ir dready a luscclt as a California inrtitution. Frateraally Youn." (Frank N. Trowcr, San Francbco.)