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New Freight Rates In Force
Although by many it was declared. that the railroads could not possibly handle the gigantic task of issuing new tarifrs showing tt.e 70/o freight rate reduction ordered by the I. C. C. for July first, yet the seemingly impossible task 'WAS completed, and so far as can be learned, the new rates went into effect throughout the nation on the first of July. It was really a record.-breaking job that the railroads clict to handle this situation, and they deserve great credit for their
The fnterstate Comnerce Commission has cancelled the hearing which was to have been helcl at Phoenii, Ariz., on July 20 to consid.er the application of Phoenix shlppers for reductions in lunber rates and other rates from Coast points to that city.
It is understood that the relief asked for by the Phoenix people will be granted by the voluntary action of the Southern Paciffc.
The Phoenix case has been pending before the commission for a long time and has attractetl wicle attention from lumbermen and other shippers. Phoenix, being on a branch line of the Southern Pacific, has sufrered a differential as compared with Tucson and other points on the main line.
Under the rate schedule which went into efrect JuIy 1, the lumber rate from Portland to Phoenix is 81 cents; to Tucson 67L/2 cents; from San Francisco to Phoenix 6412 cents, to Tucson 5812 cents; fiom San Pedro to Phoenix 51 cents, to Tucson 45 cents.
Phoenix is much nearer the junction point at Maricopa than is Tucson. fn other words, the nileage from Portland or San trYancisco or San Pedro to Phoenix is nuch less than it is to Tucson. Furthermore, the Tucson rate is blanketed to points farther east of that eity, which further aggravates the Phoenix situation.
The eforts of the Red Cedar Shingle producers of, the Pacific Northwest to seoure a 50 cent duty on Red Cedar Shingles from the Dominion of Canada into this country, has apparently little chance, accord.ing to reports from 'Washington. The 50 cent duty proposed was killed by the Senate, and a revised proposal of 25 cents was likewise immediately killed. The conference on the Tarifr between the Senate and the Elouse is the only remaining chance the WashingtonOregon folks have, and the indications are that shingles will remain on the free list. A few months ago it looked as though shingles would surely be placed on the tarifr sheet to pay an entry fee. I"readers among the Washington-Oregon producers gave the natter their personal attention' appearing at 'Washington, D. C., at various times to furnish infoimation, and for a while they felt very certain of success for their efrorts.
efriciency. They might easily have pleadecl that they could not perform the physical work necessary to reduce the rates in a month's time, but instead they went to work and completed the job.
The CAI-TIFORMA IIIMBER, MERCHANT made one error in its table of rates on lumber and shingles from the Northwest to California. The Iumber rate from Portland to Stockton should have been as follows: Previous rate 311/zi new rate 28.
All incorporated lumber companies are being attviseal by the collectors of internal revenue in their respective districts that the special excise tax of $1 per $1000 on their working capital is due on or before July 31 and must be paid by that time to avoid penalty.
An exemption is granted. on $5000 of capital stock, but the tax must be paid at the rite of $1 per $1000 on the capital in excess of $5000 used. in the transaetion of business through the preceding year. In determining the amount of capital used in the business the corporation is expected to use a fair aver&ge for the year, but surplus and undivided proffts must be eonsidered along with the paid-in capital.
The tax applies to all foreign as well as domestia corporations and covers every line of business as well as lumher. It is understood that a great many corporations, heedless of the tax, have failed to make their returns and are in danger of the penalty. Blank applications may be obtained from any of the internal revenue collectors or their deputies.
The story is going the rounds of the tlealer who bought a ear of Red Cedar Shingles on regular terms. Thirty, sixty, and then ninety days passed, and the Shingle Mill hadn't seen anything that looked like a check, although they had kept after the dealer for payment. About that time the mill receiveil an order from this same dealer for another car of shingles. The mill promptly wired: "'We can't ship your present order until you pay for the last one." And the cheerful dealer wired back: "Then cancel the order; we ca,n't wait that long."
The City of l-,os Angeles is continuing its remarkable building record through the summer. Permits issued in the month of June were $10,652,265, representing a total of 3,751 per' mits. In this number were inslud^ed 1,4M single and double dwellings, making an aggregate of 8,164 dwellings since the first of the year for the first half of the year.