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Eight Outstanding Points of Merit Make Long-Bell All California Pine Doors Easy to Sell
1. All Calitfornia Pine.
2. Not a cornbinrtion of woodr.
3. Made of retectcd meterial by rkilled men, rmdcr rhict uPewiriont and with ficquent lnrPectionr in the proccser of manrilacture.
4. Put together with etraight'grdncd oak dowdr anil waterProof glue.
5. Will not check or rplit. Lcs liablc to rrarp rhrn {66;3 of othcr woodr.
6. Fewer coate of Paint or cnenel nccG!.tr1t; t*hg painte and enar dr with ruperior reultr.
7. Petrcft, all Cetifornie P'mc, s/s'r 3ply lenineted ryt.arY cut vcrccr.
8. Sandcd and rcadY for fuirhcr. ;:
CAIJFORNIA, A charming cfiect in a largo pancl dcign. Solid No. I quality Cali' fornia Pinc Stilce and Railr and 3-ply rotary cut California Pinc pancl.
A bcautiful 5-pancl door. Solid No. I quality California Pinc Stiler and Raib and 3-ply rotary cut Californira Pinc panelr.
Remenber above allNo other wood but Cdifornia Pine goet into lpng-Bell Quality Doorr'