2 minute read
Sell'em Smilinglg
The more you travel around thir old earth, the more you realize the intenre vdue of the SMILE ar a relling arset.
SMILE at your prorpect (and every rnan and woman in your burinecs dirtrict lli your prorpect).
SMILE, when you meet your trade, on the street, or in your place of burinecr.
Whatever you may be engaged in doing, pull your attention FROM tliat thing, and direct it at the man upon whore trade and good will (because EVERY human is a unit in the volurne of good will which murt be the rolid foundation of a rubstantial and prospcrous bruinel) your burincr i[epends, and greet him PERSON^A.LLY, INTERESTEDLY' SMILINGLY.
The ralelmanr-whether it be of shoer, ehips, sealing'warr railroad tickeb, or tte food you Gatwho knowr HOW to put hir curtomer at ease, how to make hin feel at home, and how to watm the cockles of hic heart by a manifested FRTENDLY intsv$t-has learned one of the greatet of relling tnrthr, and one that will pull him up in the commercial or burinec world in tpite of Hader and high water, if he will *ick to itr cultivat€ it' and back it up.
The SMILING man, whose face behind the smile ir alert, har a tremendour advantage bvcr the fellow who har NOT tearned that big lerson. Because with a rmile. go courtery, fricndliners, and interert; and thore thingr BRTNG RESULTS.
Practice SMILING. If it isn't a habit with you, MAKE it one. Put that grin on yow facc. The recond one will come easier than the frrst and 3o on.
The fint thing you know you rvrll do it without efiort. And the next thing you know you will be rmiling INWARDLY ar well ac OUTWARDLY, and then you will be getting romctrhere.
God and man both love the fellow who smiles BOTH WAYS.
Cut out the long face. Get rid of the SOUR exprescion. Realize your birthright ar a CREATIVE BEING, and GRIN at the realization.
Spread a Iittle runshine, and a little optimism, and let your townrpeople get tbe habit of feeling better wben they s€e that mug of yourt, and you witl fnd you have a mr*h mone neceptive audience when you have an IDEA to SELL.
Sell your town folkr IDEItS-and rell 'em SMTLINGLY.
Often you meet a retail lumberman who says he doesn't need advertising.
'Well, maybe he d.oesn't!
If every possible building prospect in his entire selling territory-
Knows, likes, aud resPects him-
Knows his firm name--
Knows his business location-
Knows what he is equipped with, and willing to do to serve the tratle-
Turns instinctively and trustfully to him when he has bdilding NEEDS-
Killing Cats And Getting Business
There are two wayr of ld[ing a cat. The cnde way ir to mrrc him dt up with a club.
The wb€ w:ay ir to blufi him into believing that chloroform ir good for hir f,ear.
The same cornpariron goel for the hmbcr dealerr who go ot* and knife each other for the buciness that devclops \ilITIIOUT their help' as compared with thoee who ure theii brainr and energier to help ttcm create buabcr ro, that there will bc enough for all