1 minute read
A man without Humor and Mirth is like a wagon without springs.
that is easily approaehable, that is arranged ancl equipped for a place to receive you trad.e, and SEI-:L them.
Have it finished in a way that will advertise your business. Hare the equipment of that room of a character that will convey the impression to the caller that he or she is in the place of business of a professional builder; one of taste, experience, and ability. Have easy ehairs, plans, pictures, samples, etc., in that roomi The very ATMOSPHERE of tha,t roorn can have a remarkable efrect on your business.
I have been in scores of retail lumber ofrices where the service room through business hours was populated continuually by WOMEN DOING BUILDING SHOPPING.
\\rouldn't it help YOUR, business if the women of YOUR, town populated your place of business doing their building shopping ?
If you can possibly arrange, have this sale and service room entirely separate and apart from your routine business office. It is many times as important as your regular ofrice, when you get it going right.
If you are so located that you can put in plate glass front for display windows, so much the better. There isn't any real reason why buildings and building improvements should not be so merchandised that the WOMEN-the REAI-r builders-should not be able to do their builcling shopping the same as any other kind.
And they always DO, when they have a chance.
This is a subject that could go into reams. Instead., we will argue it vrith words and pictures in every issue. There are some good ones elsewhere in TIIIS issue.
But let me drive this thought home to the lumber dealer who is inelined to believe that his mission is simply that of a raw.material warehouse-man :
Every other merchant in YOUR, town is daily antl hourly proffting by the use of front street location, display windows, visualization of their goods, etc., yet there isn't a single line of business that responds more directly or practically to the efrorts of displaying, advertising, and selling, than YOUR, OWN BUSINESS.
Therefore let us apply to our own business, the experiences of the merchants in other lines.
Anvthing that you can do to make your place of buriness one that your curtomerr will enjoy viriting, ir worth while.