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A G]endale Lumber Service Room
One of the most modern retail lumber "plants" anywhere is that of the Bentley-Schoenemar L,,umber Company, of Glendale, California.
Their office builcling is a model of attractiveness, both interior and exterior, as the accompanying illustration will plainly show.
The left hand side of this attractive front is taken up with the offices of the company, which are models of neatness, attractiveness and practicability. The caller is given instant attention as he enters, and there is friendly interest demonstratecl in his wants.
The right hand side of the entrance is given over entirely to a SERVICE DEPARITMENT, where the USE of their materials can be visualized. The Bentley Brothers believe that the building public likes to be ''shown. " Therefore they have arrangecl to show them.
Ilere is a picture of the interior of the Service Roon. fn the Service Department the firm has equippecl itself with every m.odern idea for helping the prospective home builder solve his building problems. The reception room is fittecl with a tile mantel, disappearing beds, also with tables and chairs, and photographic albums. This is the Plan and Sales Room Where Home Btryens Get a Close-up of Hom* Sweet-Home
Next to the Rcceptiorr Room is the Display Roorn, l'ith many built-in featules shorvn. This is also usetl as a privlte office for contlactols ancl prospectivc home buil<lcrs. In this clepaltmernt alsri thr:r'e is a clrafting loonr rvhelc trvo tlraftsnren are liept busl-.
IIr'. (icorgc llentlcy sal's: "Wc fincl this tlepartrrrerrt pays splentlitl diviclentls atr<l enaliles us to give our pcoplc R IIAL buil ling scrvicc. ' '
Antl this firnr is corlstilnti)' builcling lteautiful honrcs for Cllendale.
An attractive display booth used by the Bentley-Schoeneman

Lurnber Cotnpany.
A part of thein display roomshowing built-in features for modern homes.