2 minute read
Our Big Brother
The Publicheru of THE CALIFORMA LUMBER MERCHANT alro publirh at Hourton, Texar, a great and long ertablirlred magazine of lumber merchandising,'-TtlE GULF COAST LUMBERMANlevoted to a great lumbef consuming territory, and acting in the capacity of lumbc'r magazine and budnerr bible to a large following of lumbermen and lumber women.
To thoce deriring to reach the lumber peo. ple of the great territoty enrbracing Tcxar' Oklahoma, l.ouiriana, A*aruarr New Mexico, I(anras, Ncbraska, and Mircouri{nd in a les3 rolid though sub*arrtial manner lllinoin In' diana, Ohio, Michigan, and Kentucky' THE GULF' COAST LUMBERMAN offers a rervice impossible of duplication.
Further inforrnation will be gladly given. AddresrTHE GULF COAST LUMBERMAN' Carter Building, Houstoq Tcxae, or, THE CALJFORNIA LUMBER MERCHANT' FaY Bldg., Loe Angelea
The aim, put?oEG, and idea of there two papers are identical, namdy, to heh the lum' ber inductry better merchandirc ib product.
Perby Demonstbates Utility Of Eige Grade Seingles By Using Teem On Own Hodie
Arthur C. Perry, manager of the Los Angeles office of the M. R. Smith Lumber and Slingle Company, has adopted a ruost efrective way of proving his confidence in high grade shingles for both roof and side-wall construction.
He is building a house, to be occupied by himself and family, at 1538 Ogden Drive in Beverly Hills, and is covering the entire structure with 24-inch Royal shingles from the M. R. Smith mill at Moclips. These shingles are 100 per cent clear and 100 per cent vertical grain and on either the roof or the side walls appear to be at once substantial and attractive. They lend an element of charm and dignity and comfort to the house which is hard to obtain with an ordinary grade of shingle.
And what's rlore, Mr. Perry has figures to prove that this grade of shingles is the cheapest kind of first class roofing or siding material he could have used.
The shingles were handled through the Beverly Hills yard of the 'Woods Beekman Lumber Company.
Redwoods To Be Donated To Tee Public
-The l-.lagoon I:umber Company, one of the largest owners of redwood timber in Ilumboldt county, has ofrired to donate to the public, through the Save-the-Redwoods League, the redwood timber adjacent that portion of the state highway which passes through their tract. This is in accordance with the general movement of the I-,league to save the giant red.woods from extinction, and to make the state highways veritable avenues of delight for tourists traveling through them.
RonnRT H. Bnoors oAdrsertising

3o North Michigan Avenue
8oz Boyle Building
Arkansas Soft Pine Bureau LITTLE ROCK ARKANSAS
W. R. Pickering Lumber Co. KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI
E. L. Bruce Company
Standard Lumber Company STANDARD, CALIFORNIA
"Ft Atkarc Soft Pire hu bm buutifieil. Vle sw d,ow of subtb nxeries in the ailwtisitu. h is mre than merc aloutising -it is adwniring plw i^imiublc eaidaw of uancing a do a thi^g baad." Advcniring Newc, N. Y.