2 minute read
Plan for Auto Oiling Ramp
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,/lts, fr".a or/ LooL rt ?ty'cr,l/7 J<t/c/ lo /rorzrzl CrtaIcotct. ',1 t-c ft Irc /r t, t t .J i-t, nc r. / rt I /o L l/ /r,J lt Ll. / /,re.Lt ilJ.,lJJit.
Every auto service station should have a raised ranp for elevating automobiles so that they may be easily and thoroughly oiled and greased.
The old fashioned method of having a man lie on the floor on his back for an hour trying to get the oil and grease properly distributed, is gone.
The building merchant can sell several good auto ramps in even the smallest town, by bringing them to the attention of those who need them and don't know it.
The Portland Lumber Company's plant in Portland is preparing to resume operations within the next few weeks, according to reports from the North. The mill has been down since late in 1920, but repairs have been kept up and the property is in goocl condition.
Th? mill has a capacity of more than 250,000 feet in eight hours and caterg particulerly to the California trade. The Santa Fe Lrumber Company of San Franeisco is the exclusive selling representative in California.
Ifere is a good, practical ramp for that purpose, a detailed plan that any practical carpenter can build from. Figure this material bill price, everything included., so that you can quote a flat price for all the material, and not leave anything unknown for him to guess at.
If you've got a wise carpenter on your list, let him figure the labor job, and then you can give your customer I completed quotation on the ramp.
R. E. Danaher, president of the California 'White and Sugar Pine Manufacturers' Assoeiation, has returned from a prolonged eastern trip. He visitetl some of the principal consuming eenters of the East anrl reports a steady and satisfactory volume of building in progress. As general manager of the Michigan-California I-rumber Company, Mr. Danaher is giving attention to the shipment of pine stocks from the mill at Camino. Mr. Danaher also is president of the Booth-Kelly lrumber Coppany of Eugene, Oregon.
Stock Sash and Doors for Attrattiye Homes

lend themselves wholly to discriminating taste, not onlv for all outside openings, bur inside the house is weli.patterns now recogniz"4 qr standard actually in_clude the simple, dignifiLd designs originally classed as special.
include doors of every:ire and pattern in front, panel and ' )d. All stiles and muntinJ are oI Californii's r,tp"tb ungraz( White Pine, fitted with tr panels.
Tiue to our namerwe have indeed set the standard oI excellence in Millwork for more -th"l twenty years, and today afrord the trade the finest in finished sash, d6or and moulding products.
&Iay te qrcte ofl yoar nat car?