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tt Let Your Gonscience Be Your Guido,ft
Read there and then ACT upon your oryn good iudgment. Nothing more need be said to an intelligent progrersive lumber deder.
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"We would like to thank you for the many eervice helpa your Bureau haa been sendint to us, and want to eay that it ie the best Service of its kind we have ever seen."
Geo. H. Bentley, Sec'y Trcas., Bentley-Schoeneman Lumber Co., Glendale, Calif.
"We have had this Service in our ofiice for a little over three years. We have three different Services, but we get something from the National Builders Bureau that wa!} not get anywhere else."
A. R. Brey, Vice Pres., Brey-Wright Lumber Co., Porterville, Calif.
"You eure have a live organization and we are getting more enthusiastic about it every d"y."
Georgc W. Wood, Wood Brotherg Company, Santa Crua Calif.
"Vc havc beon a mcmbcr of thie organization for over a year and onc-half and havc had thc opportunity of tceting out and making ure of their difierent Scrvicee.
"lt ie ourprising the numbcr of pcople who comc in to 'browec' over thcrc plana-cven peoplc who arc not quitc dccidcd about building, but who want idcar for thcir homc that thcy intcnd to build in thc futurc. Thie givcr ua valuablc advancc information of futurc prolpcctr, AND ABOVE ALL THEY COME TO US FIRST."
A. F. Stcvcnr, A. F. Stcvcnr Lumbcr Co.,'Hcaldrburg, Calif.