2 minute read
Put Your Dealers Helps to Work
Nothing, in this world, is any good unless you USE it; neither education, religion, natural ability, or broad vision.
Neither are "dealer's helps."
'When the manufacturer in the old days delivered you a shipment of building materials that you ordered from him, and you found that it was up to grade and as ordered, HE had fulfilled his contraet with you.
But nowadays there are a lot of manufocturers of various building materials that do not stop there. They have assumed the duty of helping to create a narket for their product-TIIROUGH you.
They are offering to help you sell their stock, by furnishing you with "Dealer's Helps." They ofrer, both by expert assistance and. adviee, to help you make it easy for people to BIfY the materials rIFl has produeed, and which must reach the trade through YOU.
Ee hires the best brains that money can secure; men learned in the craft of selling, of advertising, of appealing to the thinking human in a merchandising way.
He pays these men for putting into conerete, compaet, practical form, a variety of merchandising assets which we have come to refer to as " Dealer's llelps. ''
'When ho sells you one order, he is not content that that shall be a final purchase, by any means. He wants you to come baek for more. To facilitate that, he wants to help you sell that first order. So he sends you, either directly or through the association to which he belongs, his "Dealerts Helps."
. You will find them in your morning nail. DON'T throw them in the waste basket. Remember, they were prepared at large expense for YOU, and that the man who had them prepared was a WISE man, and. knew what he was doing, and what he was doing it for.
Just remember, whenever you get these helps, that here is something prepared specifically for YOU, and give them a fair trial.
Look them over. Read them. There may be some ideas that have not yet penetrated your dome. Let them shine in.
Treat them as a friendly messenger. Absorb the eontents. Digest them thoroughly. And when you have had your fill you will be ready to meet all comers in the fieltl of open competition.
A further series of conferences looking to the standardization and simplification of grades and inspection of lumber now is under way and will continue until the end of this month.
The first meeting, attended by representatives of the various lumber manufacturing districts, began at the Forest Products laboratory, Madison, Wis., July 12 and will last a week. The session will be continued. at Chicago July 20 to 22, and will be concluded at Portland, Oregon, July 27. All these conferences are the outgrowth of the recent appeal of Secretary lloover for standardization.
The Madison meeting will deal with the simpliffcation of grades of lumber and their ndmes and will be chiefly & conference of engineers and technical experts, although open to all who may be interested.
On July 20 a committee representing the fourteen softwood. and hard.wood lumber producing cssociations will meet in Congress llotel, Chicago, to hear and consider the report of the technical committee on simplification of grades and nanes. On the two following days the lumber manufaeturers associations' committee will meet with representatives of organizations coneerned. in the use of lumber, including wholesale and retail distributors and manufacturing consumers, to consid.er simplification of grades and